OEREB/RDPPF: Feature Service

This service can be used to discover features at a specific location. The returned format is Interlis (XML).


This service is only available for the following layers:

Layers with model V2_0 (https://models.geo.admin.ch/V_D/OeREB/OeREBKRMtrsfr_V2_0.ili):
  • ch.astra.projektierungszonen-nationalstrassen_v2_0.oereb (this layer has no data)

  • ch.astra.baulinien-nationalstrassen_v2_0.oereb

  • ch.bav.projektierungszonen-eisenbahnanlagen_v2_0.oereb (this layer has no data)

  • ch.bav.baulinien-eisenbahnanlagen_v2_0.oereb (this layer has no data)

  • ch.bazl.projektierungszonen-flughafenanlagen_v2_0.oereb

  • ch.bazl.baulinien-flughafenanlagen_v2_0.oereb (this layer has no data)

  • ch.bazl.sicherheitszonenplan_v2_0.oereb

  • ch.vbs.kataster-belasteter-standorte-militaer_v2_0.oereb

  • ch.bazl.kataster-belasteter-standorte-zivilflugplaetze_v2_0.oereb

  • ch.bav.kataster-belasteter-standorte-oev_v2_0.oereb

  • ch.bfe.projektierungszonen-starkstromanlagen_v2_0.oereb (this layer has no data)

  • ch.bfe.baulinien-starkstromanlagen_v2_0.oereb (this layer has no data)



Input Parameters

No more than 50 features can be retrieved per request.



geometry (required)

The geometry to identify on. The geometry is specified by the geometry type. This parameter is specified as a separated list of coordinates. The simple syntax (comma separated list of coordinates) and the complex one can be used. (ESRI syntax for geometries).

geometryType (required)

The type of geometry to identify on. Possible values are: esriGeometryPoint or esriGeometryPolyline or esriGeometryPolygon or esriGeometryEnvelope.

layers (required)

The layer to perform the identify operation on. Only one layer can be requested at a time (notation: all:{layerName}).

mapExtent (required)

The extent of the map (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).

imageDisplay (required)

The screen image display parameters (width, height and dpi) of the map. The mapExtent and the imageDisplay parameters are used by the server to calculate the distance on the map to search based on the tolerance in screen pixels.

tolerance (required)

The tolerance in pixels around the specified geometry. This parameter is used to create a buffer around the geometry. Therefore, a tolerance of 0 deactivates the buffer creation.

returnGeometry (optional)

This parameter defines whether the geometry is returned or not. Default to “true”.

geometryFormat (optional)

Values: interlis only for now!!

lang (optional)

The language. Supported values: de, fr, it , rm, en. Defaults to “de”.

sr (optional)

The spatial reference. Supported values: 21781 (LV03), 2056 (LV95). Defaults to “21781”.

callback (optional)

The name of the callback function.
