Release Notes¶
Release 20241218 - Wednesday, December 18th 2024¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcements:
the object ID values of the layer ch.vbs.schiessanzeigen will change for all objects due to geometrical changes in the source data with one of the next releases in 2025. Existing permalinks to objects may not work anymore and will have to be replaced by the new object id’s (chsdi fields featureId and id). In addition there will be a new attribute bezeichnung_ort on the dataset. The other existing attributes will stay
decommission of various vectortile styles and datasets by January 2025. Details read here
the layer ch.bakom.notruf-112_satellit will be decommissioned with the release of February 5th 2025
the fuzzy search behaviour of swisssearch will be changed. the new quorum operator will be used for the fuzzy search. this operator adds an additional fuzziness on the whole search string. the fuzzy search will therefore return more results than before when searching for multiple keywords.
New |
Residential areas according to AuLaV (ch.bazl.wohngebiete-aulav) |
Update |
Municipal boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-gemeinde-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
District boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-bezirk-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
Cantonal boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-kanton-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
National boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-land-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
SIL consultation (ch.bazl.sachplan-infrastruktur-luftfahrt_anhorung) |
Update |
SP Aviation infrastructure (ch.bazl.sachplan-infrastruktur-luftfahrt_kraft) |
Update |
Wells > 500m (ch.swisstopo.geologie-bohrungen_tiefer_500) |
Update |
Emergency calls by comune (ch.bakom.notruf) |
Update |
112 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_festnetz) |
Update |
112 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_mobilnetz) |
Update |
112 Satellite network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_satellit) |
Update |
118 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-118_festnetz) |
Update |
118 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-118_mobilnetz) |
Update |
Spitallandeplätze (ch.bazl.spitallandeplaetze) |
Update |
Groundwater level/spring discharge (ch.bafu.hydroweb-messstationen_grundwasserzustand) |
Update |
Sectoral plan CERN consultation (ch.sbfi.sachplan-cern_anhoerung) |
Update |
Habitat Map (ch.bafu.lebensraumkarte-schweiz) |
Update |
Cableways/skilifts winter (ch.swisstopo.bahnen-winter) |
Update |
Accommodations winter (ch.swisstopo.unterkuenfte-winter) |
Update |
Ski routes (ch.swisstopo-karto.skitouren) |
Update |
Snowshoe routes (ch.swisstopo-schneeschuhrouten) |
Update |
Swiss Parks (Zones) (ch.bafu.schutzgebiete-paerke_nationaler_bedeutung) |
Update |
Swiss Parks (Perimeter) (ch.bafu.schutzgebiete-paerke_nationaler_bedeutung_perimeter) |
Update |
Wildlife reserves (ch.bafu.wrz-jagdbanngebiete_select) |
Update |
Designated wildlife areas (ch.bafu.wrz-wildruhezonen_portal) |
Update |
Noise exp. 1st night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_erste-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lmax (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter-maximalpegel) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lr (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter) |
Update |
Noise exp. light / large airecrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_klein-grossflugzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. ligt aircrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_kleinluftfahrzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. last night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_letzte-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. milit. aerodr. (tot.) (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_militaer-gesamt) |
Update |
Noise exp. 2nd night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_zweite-nachtstunde) |
Release 20241113 - Wednesday, November 13th 2024¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcements:
the layers ch.swisstopo-karto.skitouren and ch.swisstopo-karto.schneeschuhrouten have been switched from raster to vector datasets as previously announced
the layers ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_schwarzweiss, ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_farbe, ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_infrarot got the following changes as previously announced: no extended tooltip anymore and the attributes inventarnummer, bildnummer, orientierung, rotation, filesize_mb, ort, image_height and image_width have been removed
the layer ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_schraegaufnahmen got the following changes as previously announced: no extended tooltip anymore and the attributes inventory_number, medium_format, filesize_mb, contact and contact_email have been removed
the layer ch.swisstopo.lubis-terrestrische_aufnahmen got the following changes: no extended tooltip anymore and the attributes image_number, filesize_mb, medium_format, image_height and image_width have been removed
the object ID values of the layer ch.vbs.schiessanzeigen will change for all objects due to geometrical changes in the source data with the release December 18th. Existing permalinks to objects may not work anymore and will have to be replaced by the new object id’s (chsdi fields featureId and id). In addition there will be a new attribute bezeichnung_ort on the dataset. The other existing attributes will stay
decommission of various vectortile styles and datasets by January 2025. Details read here
the layer ch.bakom.notruf-112_satellit will be decommissioned with the release of February 5th 2025
New |
Settlement (ch.are.siedlung) |
New |
Reflective surfaces aerodromes (ch.bazl.reflektierende-flaechen_flugplaetze) |
New |
Snow depth, 10 min (ch.meteoschweiz.messwerte-schneehoehe-automatisch-10min) |
New |
Sectoral plan CERN consultation (ch.sbfi.sachplan-cern_anhoerung) |
New |
Cableways/skilifts winter (ch.swisstopo.bahnen-winter) |
New |
Thermal waters (ch.swisstopo.geologie-thermale_waesser) |
New |
Accommodations winter (ch.swisstopo.unterkuenfte-winter) |
Update |
Ski routes (ch.swisstopo-karto.skitouren) |
Update |
Snowshoe routes (ch.swisstopo-schneeschuhrouten) |
Update |
Winter national map (ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe-winter) |
Update |
swissBATHY3D Hillshade (ch.swisstopo.swissbathy3d-reliefschattierung) |
Update |
Low distortion area (ch.swisstopo-vd.spannungsarme-gebiete) |
Update |
Seismic subsoil classes (ch.bafu.gefahren-baugrundklassen) |
Update |
Housing Inventory (ch.are.wohnungsinventar-zweitwohnungsanteil) |
Update |
Nitrogen Deposition (ch.bafu.luftreinhaltung-stickstoffdeposition) |
Update |
Ammonia Concentration (ch.bafu.luftreinhaltung-ammoniakkonzentration) |
Update |
swissEO VHI (ch.swisstopo.swisseo_vhi_v100) |
Update |
112 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-112_zentral) |
Update |
117 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-117_zentral) |
Update |
118 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-118_zentral) |
Update |
143 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-143_zentral) |
Update |
144 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-144_zentral) |
Update |
145 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-145_zentral) |
Update |
147 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-147_zentral) |
Update |
Deep geothermal projects (ch.swisstopo.geologie-tiefengeothermie_projekte) |
Release 20241009 - Wednesday, October 9th 2024¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcements:
the layers ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-steinbrueche_1915, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-steinbrueche_1965, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-steinbrueche_1995 and ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-steinbrueche_1980 have been removed from chsdi services as previously announced
by the release of November 13th or December 18th the layers ch.swisstopo-karto.skitouren and ch.swisstopo-karto.schneeschuhrouten will no longer be raster maps but vector data sets
important information about SSL certificates and http protocol for integrated symbols, KML’s or GPX files in Details read here
the layers ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_schwarzweiss, ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_farbe, ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_infrarot will get the following changes by the release of November 13th: no extended tooltip anymore and the attributes inventarnummer, bildnummer, orientierung, rotation, filesize_mb, ort, image_height and image_width will be removed from chsdi services, because they are no longer filled and used.
the layer ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_schraegaufnahmen will get the following changes by the release of November 13th: no extended tooltip anymore and the attributes inventory_number, medium_format, filesize_mb, contact and contact_email will be removed from chsdi services, because they are no longer filled and used.
the layer ch.swisstopo.lubis-terrestrische_aufnahmen will get the following changes by the release of November 13th: no extended tooltip anymore and the attributes image_number, filesize_mb, medium_format, image_height and image_width will be removed from chsdi services, because they are no longer filled and used.
the object ID values of the layer ch.vbs.schiessanzeigen will change for all objects due to geometrical changes in the source data with the release of November 13th or December 18th. Existing permalinks to objects may not work anymore and will have to be replaced by the new object id’s (chsdi fields featureId and id). In addition there will be a new attribute bezeichnung_ort on the dataset. The other existing attributes will stay.
decommission of various vectortile styles and datasets by January 2025. Details read here
the layer ch.bakom.notruf-112_satellit will be decommissioned with one of the first releases in 2025
New |
Emergency meeting points (ch.babs.notfalltreffpunkte) |
Update |
Amphibian migration conflicts (ch.bafu.amphibienwanderung-verkehrskonflikte) |
Update |
Vegetation height model NFI (ch.bafu.landesforstinventar-vegetationshoehenmodell) |
Update |
Surface model NFI (ch.bafu.landesforstinventar-vegetationshoehenmodell_relief) |
Update |
CLN Exceedance (ch.bafu.luftreinhaltung-stickstoff_kritischer_eintrag) |
Update |
Charging requirements: Plug-in vehicles (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-fahrzeuge) |
Update |
Charging requirements: Home charging availability - Convenient (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-heimladeverfuegbarkeit_bequem) |
Update |
Charging requirements: Home charging availability - Flexible (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-heimladeverfuegbarkeit_flexibel) |
Update |
Charging requirements: Home charging availability - Planned (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-heimladeverfuegbarkeit_geplant) |
Update |
Charging requirements: Charging points - Convenient (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-ladepunkte_bequem) |
Update |
Charging requirements: Charging points - Flexible (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-ladepunkte_felxibel) |
Update |
Charging requirements: Charging points - Planned (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-ladepunkte_geplant) |
Update |
Charging requirements: Power requirements (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-strombedarf) |
Update |
Land use statistics standard (ch.bfs.arealstatistik) |
Update |
Land use statistics cover (ch.bfs.arealstatistik-bodenbedeckung) |
Update |
Employment (FTE) (ch.bfs.betriebszaehlungen-beschaeftigte_vollzeitaequivalente) |
Update |
Enterprises (ch.bfs.betriebszaehlungen-arbeitsstaetten) |
Update |
Dwellings (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-gebaeudestatistik_wohnungen) |
Update |
Buildings (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-gebaeudestatistik_gebaeude) |
Update |
Population (residents) (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-bevoelkerungsstatistik_einwohner) |
Update |
Landwirtschaftliche Nutzungsflächen Schweiz (ch.blw.landwirtschaftliche-nutzungsflaechen) |
Update |
Hiking trails (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wanderwege) |
Update |
Protected Areas swissTLMregio (ch.swisstopo.vec200-adminboundaries-protectedarea) |
Update |
Building generalized swissTLMregio (ch.swisstopo.vec200-building) |
Update |
Hydrology swissTLMregio (ch.swisstopo.vec200-hydrography) |
Update |
Land cover swissTLMregio (ch.swisstopo.vec200-landcover) |
Update |
Single objects swissTLMregio (ch.swisstopo.vec200-miscellaneous) |
Update |
Elevations swissTLMregio (ch.swisstopo.vec200-miscellaneous-geodpoint) |
Update |
Names swissTLMregio (ch.swisstopo.vec200-names-namedlocation) |
Update |
Public transportation swissTLMregio (ch.swisstopo.vec200-transportation-oeffentliche-verkehr) |
Update |
Road system swissTLMregio (ch.swisstopo.vec200-transportation-strassennetz) |
Update |
Aerial images cantons (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder-dritte-kantone) |
Update |
SWISSIMAGE Journey through time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product) |
Update |
Division SWISSIMAGE 10 cm Raster (ch.swisstopo.images-swissimage-dop10.metadata) |
Update |
Tiling SWISSIMAGE Journey thru time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product.metadata) |
Release 20240828 - Wednesday, August 28th 2024¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcements:
the layer ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas_vector.metadata has been removed from chsdi services as previously announced
the layers ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-steinbrueche_1915, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-steinbrueche_1965, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-steinbrueche_1995 and ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-steinbrueche_1980 will be removed from chsdi services with the release of October 9th 2024
the object ID values of the layer ch.vbs.schiessanzeigen will change for all objects due to geometrical changes in the source data with the release of October 9th or November 13th 2024. Existing permalinks to objects may not work anymore and will have to be replaced by the new object id’s (chsdi fields featureId and id). In addition there will be a new attribute bezeichnung_ort on the dataset. The other existing attributes will stay.
New |
Basic statistical units level 1 (ch.bfs.statistische-grundeinheiten_stufe1) |
New |
Basic statistical units level 2 (ch.bfs.statistische-grundeinheiten_stufe2) |
New |
Civil aerodromes businesses - MAO (ch.bazl.betriebe-stoerfallverordnung-zivilflugplaetze) |
New |
Landwirtschaftliche Nutzungsflächen Schweiz (ch.blw.landwirtschaftliche-nutzungsflaechen) |
Update |
TBE: Side of tick bite reported (ch.bag.zecken-fsme-faelle) |
Update |
TBE: recommendation of vaccination (ch.bag.zecken-fsme-impfung) |
Update |
Wells > 500m (ch.swisstopo.geologie-bohrungen_tiefer_500) |
Update |
Sectoral Plan Deep Geological Repositories (ch.bfe.sachplan-geologie-tiefenlager) |
Update |
Hydropower statistics (ch.bfe.statistik-wasserkraftanlagen) |
Update |
Surveyed sections (ch.bafu.wasserbau-vermessungsstrecken) |
Update |
Cross section securing point (ch.bafu.wasserbau-querprofilmarken) |
Update |
SP Military (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_kraft) |
Update |
SPM consultation (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_anhoerung) |
Update |
Aerial images cantons (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder-dritte-kantone) |
Release 20240703 - Wednesday, July 3rd 2024¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcements:
the layer ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas_vector.metadata will be removed from chsdi services with the release of August 28th 2024
New |
Hard rock aggregates: Production and mining sites of the hard rock industry (ch.swisstopo.geologie-hartsteinabbau) |
New |
Hard rock aggregates: Thickness and quality of geological occurrences (ch.swisstopo.geologie-hartsteinvorkommen) |
New |
Charging stations of the Federal Administration (ch.vbs.ladestationen) |
Update |
Traffic counting locations - principal (ch.astra.strassenverkehrszaehlung-uebergeordnet) |
Update |
Alps with livestock guardian dogs (ch.bafu.alpweiden-herdenschutzhunde) |
Update |
Flussgebiete (Einzugsgebiete) HADES (ch.bafu.hydrologischer-atlas_flussgebiete) |
Update |
Hydrological gauging stations (ch.bafu.hydrologie-hydromessstationen) |
Update |
Area outlets (ch.bafu.wasser-gebietsauslaesse) |
Update |
2km2 sub catchment areas (ch.bafu.wasser-teileinzugsgebiete_2) |
Update |
40km2 sub catchment areas (ch.bafu.wasser-teileinzugsgebiete_40) |
Update |
Type of flow regime (ch.bafu.wasser-vorfluter) |
Update |
Emergency calls by comune (ch.bakom.notruf) |
Update |
112 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_festnetz) |
Update |
117 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-117_festnetz) |
Update |
118 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-118_festnetz) |
Update |
143 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-143_festnetz) |
Update |
144 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-144_festnetz) |
Update |
145 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-145_festnetz) |
Update |
147 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-147_festnetz) |
Update |
112 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_mobilnetz) |
Update |
117 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-117_mobilnetz) |
Update |
118 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-118_mobilnetz) |
Update |
143 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-143_mobilnetz) |
Update |
144 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-144_mobilnetz) |
Update |
145 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-145_mobilnetz) |
Update |
147 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-147_mobilnetz) |
Update |
112 Satellite network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_satellit) |
Update |
112 Satellite network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_satellit) |
Update |
Sanctuaries for silence and nature for aviation (ch.bazl.landschaftsruhezonen) |
Update |
Charging requirements: Charging points - Convenient (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-ladepunkte_bequem) |
Update |
Charging requirements: Charging points - Flexible (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-ladepunkte_felxibel) |
Update |
Charging requirements: Charging points - Planned (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-ladepunkte_geplant) |
Update |
Land use statistics standard (ch.bfs.arealstatistik) |
Update |
Land use statistics cover (ch.bfs.arealstatistik-bodenbedeckung) |
Update |
Accessibility of pharmacies (ch.bfs.erreichbarkeit-apotheken) |
Update |
Accessibility of restaurants (ch.bfs.erreichbarkeit-restaurants) |
Update |
GeoCover - Vector Datasets (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover) |
Update |
Division GeoCover (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover.metadata) |
Update |
Geological Atlas GA25 (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas) |
Update |
Division Geological Atlas GA25 (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas.metadata) |
Update |
Geothermal potential studies (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geothermische_potenzialstudien_regional) |
Update |
Crushed-rock aggregates (ch.swisstopo.geologie-rohstoffe-gebrochene_gesteine_abbau) |
Update |
The Tectonic Map of Switzerland (GK500-Tekto) (ch.swisstopo.geologie-tektonische_karte) |
Update |
Deep geothermal projects (ch.swisstopo.geologie-tiefengeothermie_projekte) |
Update |
Geographical Names swissNAMES3D (ch.swisstopo.swissnames3d) |
Update |
Army logistics centre logistics areas (ch.vbs.logistikraeume-armeelogistikcenter) |
Update |
Arsenals (ch.vbs.retablierungsstellen) |
Release 20240515 - Wednesday, May 15th 2024¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcements:
The vectortiles style ch.swisstopo.leichte-basiskarte.vt has been replaced by ch.swisstopo.lightbasemap.vt. The new style references the vectortiles sets ch.swisstopo.base.vt and ch.swisstopo.relief.vt
The vectortiles style ch.swisstopo.leichte-basiskarte-imagery.vt has been replaced by ch.swisstopo.imagerybasemap.vt. The new style references the vectortiles set ch.swisstopo.base.vt
The vectortiles services ch.swisstopo.leichte-basiskarte.vt and ch.swisstopo.leichte-basiskarte-imagery.vt will no longer be updated and will be removed by the end of the year 2024
New |
swissEO VHI (ch.swisstopo.swisseo_vhi_v100) |
New |
swissEO S2-SR (ch.swisstopo.swisseo_s2-sr_v100) |
New |
Groundwater heat utilisation potential (ch.bfe.grundwasserwaermenutzungspotential) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Thallium (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_thallium) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Sulfur (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_schwefel) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Mercury (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_quecksilber) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Sodium (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_natrium) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Molybdenum (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_molybdaen) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Manganese (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_mangan) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Magnesium (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_magnesium) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Iron (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_eisen) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Cobalt (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_cobalt) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Calcium (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_calcium) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Lead (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_blei) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Antimony (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_antimon) |
New |
Horizontal solar irradiation (ch.bfe.solarenergie-einstrahlung_0_grad) |
New |
Solar irradiation 30° inclination south (ch.bfe.solarenergie-einstrahlung_30_grad) |
New |
Solar irradiation 75° inclination south (ch.bfe.solarenergie-einstrahlung_75_grad) |
New |
Solar irradiation 90° inclination south (ch.bfe.solarenergie-einstrahlung_90_grad) |
New |
Charging requirements: Plug-in vehicles (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-fahrzeuge) |
New |
Charging requirements: Home charging availability - Convenient (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-heimladeverfuegbarkeit_bequem) |
New |
Charging requirements: Home charging availability - Flexible (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-heimladeverfuegbarkeit_flexibel) |
New |
Charging requirements: Home charging availability - Planned (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-heimladeverfuegbarkeit_geplant) |
New |
Charging requirements: Charging points - Convenient (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-ladepunkte_bequem) |
New |
Charging requirements: Charging points - Flexible (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-ladepunkte_felxibel) |
New |
Charging requirements: Charging points - Planned (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-ladepunkte_geplant) |
New |
Charging requirements: Power requirements (ch.bfe.ladebedarfswelt-strombedarf) |
Update |
Public transport connection quality ARE (ch.are.gueteklassen_oev) |
Update |
NLA Natural values / habitats (ch.armasuisse.natur-landschaft_armee) |
Update |
Pollutant releases (SwissPRTR) (ch.bafu.swissprtr) |
Update |
Airspaces: Control zones - CTR (ch.bazl.luftraeume-kontrollzonen) |
Update |
Aeronautical Chart ICAO (ch.bazl.luftfahrtkarten-icao) |
Update |
Glider Chart (ch.bazl.segelflugkarte) |
Update |
Aerodromes + Heliports (ch.bazl.flugplaetze-heliports) |
Update |
Airspaces: Control areas - CTA (ch.bazl.luftraeume-kontrollbezirke) |
Update |
Airspaces: Flight information region - FIR (ch.bazl.luftraeume-fluginformationsgebiet) |
Update |
Airspaces: Flight information zones - FIZ (ch.bazl.luftraeume-fluginformationszonen) |
Update |
Airspaces: Terminal control areas - TMA (ch.bazl.luftraeume-nahkontrollbezirke) |
Update |
Administrative borders G1, agglomerations (ch.bfs.generalisierte-grenzen_agglomerationen_g1) |
Update |
Meat products (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-fleisch) |
Update |
Cheese (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-kaese) |
Update |
Confectionery (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-konditoreiwaren) |
Update |
Plant products (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-pflanzen) |
Update |
Spirits (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-spirituosen) |
Update |
Surveyed sections (ch.bafu.wasserbau-vermessungsstrecken) |
Update |
Cross section securing point (ch.bafu.wasserbau-querprofilmarken) |
Update |
Noise exp. 1st night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_erste-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lmax (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter-maximalpegel) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lr (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter) |
Update |
Noise exp. light / large airecrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_klein-grossflugzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. ligt aircrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_kleinluftfahrzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. last night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_letzte-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. milit. aerodr. (tot.) (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_militaer-gesamt) |
Update |
Noise exp. 2nd night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_zweite-nachtstunde) |
Update |
SWISS MIL PILOTS CHART (ch.vbs.swissmilpilotschart) |
Update |
Map of restricted and danger areas (ch.vbs.sperr-gefahrenzonenkarte) |
Update |
Mil Airspace Chart (ch.vbs.milairspacechart) |
Update |
SP Military (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_kraft) |
Update |
SPM consultation (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_anhoerung) |
Update |
Waste incineration plants (ch.bfe.kehrichtverbrennungsanlagen) |
Update |
Wells > 500m (ch.swisstopo.geologie-bohrungen_tiefer_500) |
Update |
ISOS - Site records (ch.bak.bundesinventar-schuetzenswerte-ortsbilder) |
Update |
ISOS - Photos (ch.bak.bundesinventar-schuetzenswerte-ortsbilder_fotos) |
Update |
Vectortiles set “base” (ch.swisstopo.base.vt) |
Update |
Base Map (ch.swisstopo.basemap.vt) |
Update |
Light Base Map (ch.swisstopo.lightbasemap.vt) |
Update |
Imagery Base Map (ch.swisstopo.imagerybasemap.vt) |
Update |
Bathing water quality (ch.bafu.gewaesserschutz-badewasserqualitaet) |
Update |
Base network swiss TNE (ch.swisstopo.swisstne-base) |
Release 20240313 - Wednesday, March 13th 2024¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
HTTP POST, PUT and DELETE on<topic>/MapServer/* are no longer accepted. This behavior has already been documented in the official API documentation and has been announced last year in September. All API REST endpoints support only the following HTTP methods (unless specified): GET, HEAD and OPTIONS
- Announcements:
the layer ch.swisstopo-vd.ortschaftenverzeichnis_plz has now the additional attributes ‘status’ and ‘modification’, as previously announced
the layer ch.bfs.generalisierte-grenzen_agglomerationen_g2 has been removed from chsdi services as previously announced
the layers ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-mineralische_rohstoffe200 and ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-gk200 have been removed from chsdi services as previously announced
the layers ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-5g, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-gsm, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-umts, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-lte have been removed from chsdi services as previously announced
following attributes for the layers ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_schwarzweiss, ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_farbe and ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_infrarot will be removed from chsdi services later this year: ‘inventarnummer’, ‘bildnummer’, ‘orientierung’, ‘rotation’, ‘filesize_mb’, ‘ort’, ‘image_height’ and ‘image_width’
New |
NLA Natural values / habitats (ch.armasuisse.natur-landschaft_armee) |
New |
swissALTIRegio monodirectional hillshade (ch.swisstopo.swissaltiregio-reliefschattierung_monodirektional) |
New |
swissALTIRegio multidirectional hillshade (ch.swisstopo.swissaltiregio-reliefschattierung_multidirektional) |
New |
Large-scale photovoltaik systems (ch.bfe.photovoltaik-grossanlagen) |
New |
Mobile phone base stations (ch.bakom.standorte-mobilfunkanlagen) |
New |
Obstacle limitation surfaces (ch.bazl.hindernisbegrenzungsflaechen-kataster) |
Update |
Employment (FTE) (ch.bfs.betriebszaehlungen-beschaeftigte_vollzeitaequivalente) |
Update |
Enterprises (ch.bfs.betriebszaehlungen-arbeitsstaetten) |
Update |
Dwellings (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-gebaeudestatistik_wohnungen) |
Update |
Buildings (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-gebaeudestatistik_gebaeude) |
Update |
Population (residents) (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-bevoelkerungsstatistik_einwohner) |
Update |
Accidents involving a bicycle (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_fahrraeder) |
Update |
Accidents with fatalities (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_getoetete) |
Update |
Accidents with personal injury (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_alle) |
Update |
Accidents involving a pedestrian (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_fussgaenger) |
Update |
Accidents involving a motorcycle (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_motorraeder) |
Update |
Accidents per inhabitant (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_pro_einwohner) |
Update |
Accidents per inhabitant - Speeding (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_geschwindigkeit) |
Update |
Accidents per inhabitant - Alcohol (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_alkohol) |
Update |
swissBATHY3D Hillshade (ch.swisstopo.swissbathy3d-reliefschattierung) |
Update |
Pro Natura: Nature Preserves (ch.pronatura.naturschutzgebiete) |
Update |
Wind energy plants (ch.bfe.windenergieanlagen) |
Update |
SIL consultation (ch.bazl.sachplan-infrastruktur-luftfahrt_anhorung) |
Update |
SP Aviation infrastructure (ch.bazl.sachplan-infrastruktur-luftfahrt_kraft) |
Update |
Hydrography swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-gewaessernetz) |
Update |
Railway swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-eisenbahnnetz) |
Update |
Cableways swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-uebrigerverkehr) |
Update |
Roads and Tracks swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-strassen) |
Update |
Hiking trails (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wanderwege) |
Update |
Forest swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wald) |
Update |
CO2 Emissions Buildings (SIA 380/1) (ch.bafu.klima-co2_ausstoss_gebaeude) |
Update |
Pollutant releases (SwissPRTR) (ch.bafu.swissprtr) |
Update |
Aeronautical Chart ICAO (ch.bazl.luftfahrtkarten-icao) |
Update |
Glider Chart (ch.bazl.segelflugkarte) |
Update |
Map of restricted and danger areas (ch.vbs.sperr-gefahrenzonenkarte) |
Update |
Mil Airspace Chart (ch.vbs.milairspacechart) |
Update |
Heat flux 500 (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geophysik-geothermie) |
Update |
SUG Consultation (ch.bav.sachplan-unterirdischer-guetertransport_anhoerung) |
Update |
SP Underground freight transport (ch.bav.sachplan-unterirdischer-guetertransport_kraft) |
Release 20240131 - Wednesday, January 31st 2024¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcements:
the layer ch.swisstopo-vd.ortschaftenverzeichnis_plz will have the following changes on its data model by the release of March 13th 2024: additional attributes ‘status’ and ‘modification’
the layer ch.bfs.generalisierte-grenzen_agglomerationen_g2 will be removed from chsdi services with the release of March 13th 2024.
the layers ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-mineralische_rohstoffe200 and ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-gk200 will be removed from chsdi services with the release of March 13th 2024.
the layers ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-5g, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-gsm, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-umts, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-lte will be removed from chsdi services with the release of March 13th 2024.
New |
SUG Consultation (ch.bav.sachplan-unterirdischer-guetertransport_anhoerung) |
New |
SP Underground freight transport (ch.bav.sachplan-unterirdischer-guetertransport_kraft) |
Update |
Public transport connection quality ARE (ch.are.gueteklassen_oev) |
Update |
Surveyed sections (ch.bafu.wasserbau-vermessungsstrecken) |
Update |
Cross section securing point (ch.bafu.wasserbau-querprofilmarken) |
Update |
River typology (ch.bafu.typisierung-fliessgewaesser) |
Release 20231220 - Wednesday, December 20th 2023¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcements:
the layer ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-gemeinde-flaeche.fill has now been switched to time-enabled, data till back to 1850 available
the layers ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-zementindustrie_1965, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-zementindustrie_1995, ch.swisstopo.geologie-rohstoffe-ziegel_verarbeitung and ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-ziegeleien_1907 have been removed from chsdi services as previously announced
the layer ch.swisstopo-vd.ortschaftenverzeichnis_plz will have some changes on its data model probably in March 2024. More information tba
the removal of the layers ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-5g, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-gsm, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-umts, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-lte has been postponed to 2024. A detailed planning will be communicated later.
New |
Hanglagen Abschwemmung (ch.blw.hanglagen-abschwemmung) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Arsenic (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_arsen) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Chromium (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_chrom) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Cadmium (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_cadmium) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Copper (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_kupfer) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Nickel (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_nickel) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Uranium (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_uran) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Vanadium (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_vanadium) |
New |
Geochemical soil atlas of Switzerland: Zink (ch.bafu.geochemischer-bodenatlas_schweiz_zink) |
New |
Railway Installations MAO (ch.bav.betriebe-stoerfallverordnung_eisenbahnanlagen) |
Update |
Consultation (ch.bfe.sachplan-uebertragungsleitungen_anhoerung) |
Update |
Noise exp. 1st night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_erste-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lmax (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter-maximalpegel) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lr (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter) |
Update |
Noise exp. light / large airecrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_klein-grossflugzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. ligt aircrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_kleinluftfahrzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. last night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_letzte-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. milit. aerodr. (tot.) (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_militaer-gesamt) |
Update |
Noise exp. 2nd night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_zweite-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Road Map 1:200’000 (ch.swisstopo.strassenkarte-200) |
Update |
Stocking of river banks (ch.bafu.gewaesser-uferbestockung) |
Update |
Municipal boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-gemeinde-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
District boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-bezirk-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
Cantonal boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-kantion-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
National boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-land-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
Stocking map (ch.bafu.gewaesser-uferbestockung_vegetation) |
Update |
Winter national map | LK10, LK25, LK50, LK100 (ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe-winter) |
Update |
Tank relocation routes (ch.vbs.panzerverschiebungsrouten) |
Update |
Built-up areas VIL (ch.bazl.bebaute-gebiete_luftfahrtrecht) |
Update |
Ski routes (ch.swisstopo-karto.skitouren) |
Update |
Snowshoe routes (ch.swisstopo-karto.schneeschuhrouten) |
Update |
Designated wildlife areas (ch.bafu.wrz-wildruhezonen_portal) |
Update |
Wildlife reserves (ch.bafu.wrz-jagdbanngebiete_select) |
Update |
Interregional wildlife corridor (ch.bafu.fauna-wildtierkorridor_national) |
Update |
Dam (ch.bfe.stauanlagen-bundesaufsicht) |
Update |
Slope over 30 degrees (ch.swisstopo-karto.hangneigung) |
Update |
Slope classes over 30 degrees (ch.swisstopo.hangneigung-ueber_30) |
Update |
swissALTI3D Hillshade Multidirectional (ch.swisstopo.swissalti3d-reliefschattierung) |
Update |
swissALTI3D Hillshade Monodirectional (ch.swisstopo.swissalti3d-reliefschattierung_monodirektional) |
Update |
Railway Lines MAO (ch.bav.lage-stoerfallverordnung_eisenbahnanlagen) |
Update |
GeoCover - Vector Datasets (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover) |
Update |
Height control points HFP1 (ch.swisstopo.fixpunkte-hfp1) |
Update |
Planimetric control points LFP1 (ch.swisstopo.fixpunkte-lfp1) |
Release 20231101 - Wednesday, November 1st 2023¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcements:
the layer ch.bafu.hydroweb-warnkarte_regional has been removed from chsdi services as previously announced
the layers ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-zementindustrie_1965, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-zementindustrie_1995, ch.swisstopo.geologie-rohstoffe-ziegel_verarbeitung and ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-ziegeleien_1907 will be removed from chsdi services with the release of December 20st 2023
the removal of the layers ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-5g, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-gsm, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-umts, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-lte has been postponed to 2024. A detailed planning will be communicated later.
New |
Reflection seismic (ch.swisstopo.geologie-reflexionsseismik) |
New |
Wetness potential in the agricultural land, vector ( (ch.agroscope.feuchtflaechenpotential-kulturlandschaft) |
New |
Wildlife Passages (ch.bafu.fauna-wildtierpassagen) |
New |
Milchmarktregionen (ch.blw.milchmarktregionen) |
Update |
Geological Profiles GA25 (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas_profile) |
Update |
Safety zone plan (ch.bazl.sicherheitszonenplan) |
Update |
Wells > 500m (ch.swisstopo.geologie-bohrungen_tiefer_500) |
Update |
Protected Areas VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-adminboundaries-protectedarea) |
Update |
Building generalized VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-building) |
Update |
Hydrology VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-hydrography) |
Update |
Land cover VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-landcover) |
Update |
Single objects VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-miscellaneous) |
Update |
Elevations VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-miscellaneous-geodpoint) |
Update |
Names VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-names-namedlocation) |
Update |
Public transportation VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-transportation-oeffentliche-verkehr) |
Update |
Road system VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-transportation-strassennetz) |
Update |
Viticulture on slopes (ch.blw.steil_terrassenlagen_rebbau) |
Update |
Hillsides and slopes (ch.blw.hang_steillagen) |
Update |
Low distortion area (ch.swisstopo-vd.spannungsarme-gebiete) |
Update |
Consultation (ch.bfe.sachplan-uebertragungsleitungen_anhoerung) |
Update |
Housing Inventory (ch.are.wohnungsinventar-zweitwohnungsanteil) |
Release 20230906 - Wednesday, September 6th 2023¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcements:
the mapviewer topic “geothermie” has been removed from as previously announced
the layer ch.bafu.hydrologie-messstationen_gefahren has been removed from chsdi services as previously announced
the layer ch.bafu.hydroweb-warnkarte_regional will be removed from chsdi services with the release of November 1st 2023
the layers ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-5g, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-gsm, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-umts, ch.bakom.mobil-antennenstandorte-lte will be removed from chsdi services with the release of November 1st 2023
Since August 2023 swisstopo publishes its aerial images for download step by step. A first group of 30000 images, orthophotos (if available) and metadata is already available. The remaining images will follow in the course of the next year. For aerial images that can now be downloaded, swisstopo has replaced the preview function in the viewer by a direct download. This offer is part of swisstopo’s Open Government Data (OGD) strategy.
New |
Groundwater temperature (ch.bafu.hydroweb-messstationen_grundwassertemperatur) |
New |
SORA Ground Risk (ch.bazl.intrinsisches-bodenrisiko_sora) |
Update |
Situation of rivers and lakes (ch.bafu.hydroweb-messstationen_zustand) |
Update |
Water temperature rivers (ch.bafu.hydroweb-messstationen_temperatur) |
Update |
Flood hazard levels (ch.bafu.hydroweb-messstationen_gefahren) |
Update |
Groundwater level/spring discharge (ch.bafu.hydroweb-messstationen_grundwasserzustand) |
Update |
Stations hydrological forecasts (ch.bafu.hydroweb-messstationen_vorhersage) |
Update |
Waste incineration plants (ch.bfe.kehrichtverbrennungsanlagen) |
Update |
Cross section securing point (ch.bafu.wasserbau-querprofilmarken) |
Update |
Surveyed sections (ch.bafu.wasserbau-vermessungsstrecken) |
Update |
Hunting Ban Reserves AuLaV (ch.bafu.schutzgebiete-aulav_jagdbanngebiete) |
Update |
Other protected areas AuLaV (ch.bafu.schutzgebiete-aulav_uebrige) |
Update |
TBE: Side of tick bite reported (ch.bag.zecken-fsme-faelle) |
Update |
Wildlife reserves (ch.bafu.wrz-jagdbanngebiete_select) |
Update |
Tracer tests (ch.bafu.hydrogeologie-markierversuche) |
Update |
Interregional wildlife corridor (ch.bafu.fauna-wildtierkorridor_national) |
Update |
Flood statistics (ch.bafu.hydrologie-hochwasserstatistik) |
Update |
Low-flow statistics (ch.bafu.hydrologie-niedrigwasserstatistik) |
Update |
HUG hydrological study areas (ch.bafu.hydrologie-untersuchungsgebiete) |
Update |
Water & migrant bird reserves (ch.bafu.bundesinventare-vogelreservate) |
Update |
Vegetation height model NFI (ch.bafu.landesforstinventar-vegetationshoehenmodell) |
Update |
Surface model NFI (ch.bafu.landesforstinventar-vegetationshoehenmodell_relief) |
Update |
Traffic counting locations - principal (ch.astra.strassenverkehrszaehlung-uebergeordnet) |
Update |
SWISSIMAGE Journey thru time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product) |
Update |
Tiling SWISSIMAGE Journey thru time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product.metadata) |
Update |
Forest reserves (ch.bafu.waldreservate) |
Release 20230628 - Wednesday, June 28th 2023¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcements:
the downloads for ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register have been removed from as previously announced. Downloads for the Federal Register of Buildings and Dwellings are officially available via
the layers ch.bafu.hydrologie-messstationen_gefahren and ch.bafu.hydroweb-warnkarte_regional will be removed from chsdi services with the release of September 6th 2023
the mapviewer topic “geothermie” will be removed from with the release of September 6th 2023
New |
Vector representation of relief (ch.swisstopo.relief.vt), a new vector based terrain (vector tiles) |
Update |
Eisenbahnlärm, zuläss. Immission T (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_zulaessige_immissionen_tag) |
Update |
Eisenbahnlärm, zuläss. Immission N (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_zulaessige_immissionen_nach) |
Update |
Eisenbahnlärm, tats. Immission N (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_effektive_immissionen_nacht) |
Update |
Eisenbahnlärm, tats. Immission T (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_effektive_immissionen_tag) |
Update |
Eisenbahnlärm, tats. Emission T (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_tatsaechliche_emissionen_tag) |
Update |
Eisenbahnlärm, tats. Emission N (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_tatsaechliche_emissionen_nacht) |
Update |
Eisenbahnlärm, festgel. Emission T (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_festgelegte_emissionen_tag) |
Update |
Eisenbahnlärm, festgel. Emission N (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_festgelegte_emissionen_nacht) |
Update |
Eisenbahnlärm, Lärmschutzwände (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_laermschutzwaende) |
Update |
Konsultationsbereiche Rohrleitungen (ch.bfe.rohrleitungen-konsultationsbereiche) |
Update |
Cities and conurbations BeSA (ch.are.agglomerationsverkehr) |
Update |
Alps with livestock guardian dogs (ch.bafu.alpweiden-herdenschutzhunde) |
Update |
Status of Cantonal Geotope Inventories (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotope_kantone_stand) |
Update |
Hiking trails (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wanderwege) |
Update |
swissBATHY3D Hillshade (ch.swisstopo.swissbathy3d-reliefschattierung) |
Update |
Geographical Names swissNAMES3D (ch.swisstopo.swissnames3d) |
Update |
Bathing water quality (ch.bafu.gewaesserschutz-badewasserqualitaet) |
Update |
SP Military (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_kraft) |
Update |
SPM consultation (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_anhoerung) |
Update |
Spectral micro-zoning (ch.bafu.gefahren-spektral) |
Update |
Electricity Transmission Lines sectoral plan (ch.bfe.sachplan-uebertragungsleitungen_kraft) |
Update |
Hunting Ban Reserves (ch.bafu.bundesinventare-jagdbanngebiete) |
Release 20230510 - Wednesday, May 10th 2023¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcements:
The WMTS in WGS84 (EPSG:4326) is now in lat/lon order
New |
Base network swiss TNE (ch.swisstopo.swisstne-base) |
New |
Canton NFI (ch.bafu.landesforstinventar-kantone) |
New |
Diffuse total phosphorus inputs (ch.bafu.gewaesserschutz-diffuse_eintraege_gesamt_phosphor) |
Update |
Hydropower statistics (ch.bfe.statistik-wasserkraftanlagen) |
Update |
Administrative borders G1, agglomerations (ch.bfs.generalisierte-grenzen_agglomerationen_g1) |
Update |
Administrative borders G2, agglomerations (ch.bfs.generalisierte-grenzen_agglomerationen_g2) |
Update |
Airspaces: Control zones - CTR (ch.bazl.luftraeume-kontrollzonen) |
Update |
Aeronautical Chart ICAO (ch.bazl.luftfahrtkarten-icao) |
Update |
Glider Chart (ch.bazl.segelflugkarte) |
Update |
SWISS MIL PILOTS CHART (ch.vbs.swissmilpilotschart) |
Update |
Map of restricted and danger areas (ch.vbs.sperr-gefahrenzonenkarte) |
Update |
Mil Airspace Chart (ch.vbs.milairspacechart) |
Update |
Aerodromes + Heliports (ch.bazl.flugplaetze-heliports) |
Update |
Seismic subsoil classes (ch.bafu.gefahren-baugrundklassen) |
Update |
Housing Inventory (ch.are.wohnungsinventar-zweitwohnungsanteil) |
Update |
ISOS - Site records (ch.bak.bundesinventar-schuetzenswerte-ortsbilder) |
Update |
ISOS - Photos (ch.bak.bundesinventar-schuetzenswerte-ortsbilder_fotos) |
Update |
Overland flow map (ch.bafu.gefaehrdungskarte-oberflaechenabfluss) |
Update |
Map swissTLM (color) (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-karte-farbe) |
Update |
Map swissTLM (grey) (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-karte-grau) |
Update |
Catchment (ch.bafu.wasser-entnahme) |
Update |
Hunting Ban Reserves (ch.bafu.bundesinventare-jagdbanngebiete) |
Update |
Total total nitrogen inputs (ch.bafu.gewaesserschutz-diffuse_eintraege_stickstoff) |
Update |
Diffuse dissolved phosphorus inputs (ch.bafu.gewaesserschutz-diffuse_eintraege_phosphor) |
Update |
Wells > 500m (ch.swisstopo.geologie-bohrungen_tiefer_500) |
Update |
Cycling in Switzerland (ch.astra.veloland) |
Update |
Hiking in Switzerland (ch.astra.wanderland) |
Update |
Mountainbiking in Switzerland (ch.astra.mountainbikeland) |
Update |
Skating in Switzerland (ch.astra.skatingland) |
Release 20230315 - Wednesday, March 15th 2022¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcements:
the API of the layer ch.bfe.ladestellen-elektromobilitaet has been removed from FSDI services as previously announced. For more information about the new service please contact
generic solution for technical group WMS layers in Technical groups are now visible in the GetCapbilities document as a group with one single Layer having the same name as the group. The new structure of technical groups allows an easier use of GetFeatureInfo in most GIS clients. All remaining layers have been reorganized accordingly as previously announced
the layer ch.pronatura.waldreservate has been removed from chsdi services as previously announced
the layer ch.bafu.wald-vegetationshoehenstufen_1995 will be removed from chsdi services with the release of May 10th 2023
the downloads for ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register available via will be removed with the deploy of June 28th 2023. Downloads for the Federal Register of Buildings and Dwellings are officially available via
the layers ch.bafu.hydrologie-messstationen_gefahren and ch.bafu.hydroweb-warnkarte_regional will be removed from chsdi services with the release of June 28th 2023
New |
Forest fire prevention measures (ch.bafu.gefahren-waldbrand_praeventionsmassnahmen_kantone) |
New |
Forest fire danger (ch.bafu.gefahren-waldbrand_warnung) |
New |
Tranquillity Areas (ch.bafu.tranquillity-gebiete) |
New |
Tranquillity Map (ch.bafu.tranquillity-karte) |
New |
RBD: energy/heat source heating (ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register_waermequelle_heizung) |
New |
CO2 Emissions Buildings (SIA 380/1) (ch.bafu.klima-co2_ausstoss_gebaeude) |
Update |
Pollen stations (ch.meteoschweiz.messnetz-pollen) |
Update |
Road accidents (complete topic Road accidents) |
Update |
Journey through time (ch.swisstopo.zeitreihen) |
Update |
Solar energy: suitability of roofs (ch.bfe.solarenergie-eignung-daecher) |
Update |
Solarenergie: Eignung Fassaden (ch.bfe.solarenergie-eignung-fassaden) |
Update |
Height control points HFP1 (ch.swisstopo.fixpunkte-hfp1) |
Update |
Planimetric control points LFP1 (ch.swisstopo.fixpunkte-lfp1) |
Update |
Employment (FTE) (ch.bfs.betriebszaehlungen-beschaeftigte_vollzeitaequivalente) |
Update |
Employment (ch.bfs.betriebszaehlungen-arbeitsstaetten) |
Update |
Cities and conurbations BeSA (ch.are.agglomerationsverkehr) |
Update |
Public transport connection quality ARE (ch.are.gueteklassen_oev) |
Update |
Pro Natura: Nature Preserves (ch.pronatura.naturschutzgebiete) |
Update |
Vermessungsstrecken - Querprofilmarke (ch.bafu.wasserbau-querprofilmarken) |
Update |
Datenbank Querprofile (QP) - Vermessungsstrecken (ch.bafu.wasserbau-vermessungsstrecken) |
Update |
Low distortion area (ch.swisstopo-vd.spannungsarme-gebiete) |
Update |
Designated wildlife areas (bafu.wrz-wildruhezonen_portal) |
Update |
Wildlife reserves (ch.bafu.wrz-jagdbanngebiete_select) |
Update |
Habitat Map (ch.bafu.lebensraumkarte-schweiz) |
Update |
Geothermal potential studies (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geothermische_potenzialstudien_regional) |
Update |
Deep geothermal projects (ch.swisstopo.geologie-tiefengeothermie_projekte) |
Update |
Hydrography swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-gewaessernetz) |
Update |
Railway swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-eisenbahnnetz) |
Update |
Cableways swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-uebrigerverkehr) |
Update |
Roads and Tracks swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-strassen) |
Update |
Hiking trails (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wanderwege) |
Update |
Forest swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wald) |
Update |
Aeronautical Chart ICAO (ch.bazl.luftfahrtkarten-icao) |
Update |
Glider Chart (ch.bazl.segelflugkarte) |
Update |
Map of restricted and danger areas (ch.vbs.sperr-gefahrenzonenkarte) |
Update |
Mil Airspace Chart (ch.vbs.milairspacechart) |
Update |
Railway noise (fixed) N emissions (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_festgelegte_emissionen_nacht) |
Update |
Railway noise (fixed) D emissions (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_festgelegte_emissionen_tag) |
Update |
Railway noise (act.) N emissions (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_tatsaechliche_emissionen_nacht) |
Update |
Railway noise (act.) D emissions (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_tatsaechliche_emissionen_tag) |
Update |
Railway noise protection walls (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_laermschutzwaende) |
Release 20230222 - Thursday, February 22th 2023¶
API & applications¶
The API of the layer ch.bfe.ladestellen-elektromobilitaet is expected to be removed from FSDI services on March 15th. For more information on the exact schedule and the new service, please contact .
Release 20221214 - Wednesday, December 14th 2022¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
the layer ch.bazl.einschraenkungen-drohnen has changed its data and representation model as previously announced. New attributes on this layer: zone_name_de, zone_name_fr, zone_name_it, zone_name_en, zone_restriction_de, zone_restriction_fr, zone_restriction_it, zone_restriction_en, zone_message_de, zone_message_fr, zone_message_it, zone_message_en, auth_url, auth_name, auth_contact, auth_service, auth_email, auth_phone, auth_intervalbefore, air_vol_lower_limit, air_vol_lower_vref, air_vol_upper_limit, air_vol_upper_vref, time_permanent, time_start, time_end, period_day, period_start, period_end. Further information: model description
the layer ch.bazl.luftfahrthindernis has changed in its content and its representation model: Small obstacles near airports are now published in a seperate layer ch.bazl.luftfahrthindernis-klein
the layer ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register has new download links. Downloads are now provided from the MADD platform provided by the Federal Statistical Office
the WMS of the layer ch.bfe.ladestellen-elektromobilitaet has been removed from FSDI services as previously announced
the layers ch.astra.baulinien-nationalstrassen.oereb, ch.astra.projektierungszonen-nationalstrassen.oereb, ch.bav.baulinien-eisenbahnanlagen.oereb, ch.bav.kataster-belasteter-standorte-oev.oereb, ch.bav.projektierungszonen-eisenbahnanlagen.oereb, ch.bazl.baulinien-flughafenanlagen.oereb, ch.bazl.kataster-belasteter-standorte-zivilflugplaetze.oereb, ch.bazl.projektierungszonen-flughafenanlagen.oereb, ch.bazl.sicherheitszonenplan.oereb and ch.vbs.kataster-belasteter-standorte-militaer.oereb have been removed from FSDI services (WMS and OEREB Feature Service)
the WMS layers ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d.inspire and ch.swisstopo.swissnames3d.inspire have been removed from FSDI services
generic solution for technical group WMS layers. Technical groups will now be visible in the GetCapbilities Document as a group with one single Layer having the same name as the group. The new structure of technical groups will allow an easier use of GetFeatureInfo in most GIS clients. Following layers have been reorganized accordingly and many more to follow with the release on March 15th 2023: ch.astra.mountainbikeland, ch.astra.skatingland, ch.astra.veloland, ch.astra.wanderland, ch.bfe.solarenergie-eignung-daecher, ch.bfe.solarenergie-eignung-fassaden, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologische_karte, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas, ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_schraegaufnahmen, ch.swisstopo.lubis-terrestrische_aufnahmen, ch.swisstopo.swissbathy3d-reliefschattierung and ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product.metadata
the layer ch.pronatura.waldreservate will be removed from FSDI services with the release of March 15th 2023
New |
Habitat Map (ch.bafu.lebensraumkarte-schweiz) |
New |
Stocking of river banks (ch.bafu.gewaesser-uferbestockung) |
New |
Stocking map (ch.bafu.gewaesser-uferbestockung_vegetation) |
New |
Plätze für Jenische, Sinti und Roma (ch.bak.halteplaetze-jenische_sinti_roma) |
New |
Aerodrome obstacles < 25 / 60 m (ch.bazl.luftfahrthindernis-klein) |
Update |
Building zones Switzerland (harmonized) (ch.are.bauzonen) |
Update |
Restrictions for drones (ch.bazl.einschraenkungen-drohnen) |
Update |
Housing Inventory (ch.are.wohnungsinventar-zweitwohnungsanteil) |
Update |
SPM consultation (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_anhoerung) |
Update |
SP Military (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_kraft) |
Update |
Division swissSURFACE3D Raster (ch.swisstopo.swisssurface3d-raster.metadata) |
Update |
swissSURFACE3D Hillshade Monodirectional (ch.swisstopo.swisssurface3d-reliefschattierung_monodirektional) |
Update |
swissSURFACE3D Hillshade Multidirectional (ch.swisstopo.swisssurface3d-reliefschattierung-multidirektional) |
Update |
swissBATHY3D Hillshade (ch.swisstopo.swissbathy3d-reliefschattierung) |
Update |
Solar energy: suitability of roofs (ch.bfe.solarenergie-eignung-daecher) |
Update |
Solarenergie: Eignung Fassaden (ch.bfe.solarenergie-eignung-fassaden) |
Update |
Vermessungsstrecken - Querprofilmarke (ch.bafu.wasserbau-querprofilmarken) |
Update |
Datenbank Querprofile (QP) - Vermessungsstrecken (ch.bafu.wasserbau-vermessungsstrecken) |
Update |
Ski routes (ch.swisstopo-karto.skitouren) |
Update |
Snowshoe routes (ch.swisstopo-karto.schneeschuhrouten) |
Update |
Designated wildlife areas (bafu.wrz-wildruhezonen_portal) |
Update |
Wildlife reserves (ch.bafu.wrz-jagdbanngebiete_select) |
Update |
Low distortion area (ch.swisstopo-vd.spannungsarme-gebiete) |
Update |
ILNM (ch.bafu.bundesinventare-bln) |
Update |
Floodplains (ch.bafu.bundesinventare-auen) |
Update |
Register of Buildings and Dwellings (ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register) |
Update |
Air navigation obstacles (ch.bazl.luftfahrthindernis) |
Update |
Employment (FTE) (ch.bfs.betriebszaehlungen-beschaeftigte_vollzeitaequivalente) |
Update |
Employment (ch.bfs.betriebszaehlungen-arbeitsstaetten) |
Update |
Dwellings (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-gebaeudestatistik_wohnungen) |
Update |
Buildings (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-gebaeudestatistik_gebaeude) |
Update |
Population (residents) (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-bevoelkerungsstatistik_einwohner) |
Update |
Winter national map | LK10, LK25, LK50, LK100 (ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe-winter) |
Update |
SP rail infrastructure (ch.bav.sachplan-infrastruktur-schiene_kraft) |
Update |
SIL Anhörung (ch.bazl.sachplan-infrastruktur-luftfahrt_anhorung) |
Update |
Aerial images cantons (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder-dritte-kantone) |
Release 20221026 - Wednesday, October 26th 2022¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
the layer ch.bazl.einschraenkungen-drohnen will change its data and representation model with the release on December 14th 2022. New attributes on this layer (current attributes won’t be supported anymore!): zone_name_de, zone_name_fr, zone_name_it, zone_name_en, zone_restriction_de, zone_restriction_fr, zone_restriction_it, zone_restriction_en, zone_message_de, zone_message_fr, zone_message_it, zone_message_en, auth_url, auth_name, auth_contact, auth_service, auth_email, auth_phone, auth_intervalbefore, air_vol_lower_limit, air_vol_lower_vref, air_vol_upper_limit, air_vol_upper_vref, time_permanent, time_start, time_end, period_day, period_start, period_end. Further information: model description
the WMS of the layer ch.bfe.ladestellen-elektromobilitaet will be removed from FSDI services with the release on December 14th 2022
the layers ch.astra.strassenverkehrszaehlung_messstellen-regional_lokal and ch.astra.strassenverkehrszaehlung_messstellen-uebergeordnet have been removed from FSDI services as previously announced
Bug fixes
Update |
Ammonia Concentration (ch.bafu.luftreinhaltung-ammoniakkonzentration) |
Update |
Nitrogen Deposition (ch.bafu.luftreinhaltung-stickstoffdeposition) |
Update |
CLN Exceedance (ch.bafu.luftreinhaltung-stickstoff_kritischer_eintrag) |
Update |
Dam (ch.bfe.stauanlagen-bundesaufsicht) |
Update |
Solar energy: suitability of roofs (ch.bfe.solarenergie-eignung-daecher) |
Update |
Solarenergie: Eignung Fassaden (ch.bfe.solarenergie-eignung-fassaden) |
Update |
Pro Natura: Nature Preserves (ch.pronatura.naturschutzgebiete) |
Update |
GeoCover - Vector Datasets (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover) |
Update |
Geological Atlas GA25 (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas) |
Update |
Protected Areas VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-adminboundaries-protectedarea) |
Update |
Building generalized VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-building) |
Update |
Hydrology VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-hydrography) |
Update |
Land cover VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-landcover) |
Update |
Forested areas (ch.swisstopo.vec200-landcover-wald) |
Update |
Single objects VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-miscellaneous) |
Update |
Elevations VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-miscellaneous-geodpoint) |
Update |
Names VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-names-namedlocation) |
Update |
Public transportation VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-transportation-oeffentliche-verkehr) |
Update |
Road system VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-transportation-strassennetz) |
Update |
SPM consultation (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_anhoerung) |
Update |
SP Military (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_kraft) |
Update |
swissSURFACE3D Hillshade Monodirectional (ch.swisstopo.swisssurface3d-reliefschattierung_monodirektional) |
Update |
swissSURFACE3D Hillshade Multidirectional (ch.swisstopo.swisssurface3d-reliefschattierung-multidirektional) |
Update |
SWISSIMAGE Journey thru time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product) |
Update |
Tiling SWISSIMAGE Journey thru time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product.metadata) |
Release 20220907 - Wednesday, September 7th 2022¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
the layers ch.astra.mountainbikeland-sperrungen_umleitungen, ch.astra.skatingland-sperrungen_umleitungen, ch.astra.veloland-sperrungen_umleitungen and ch.astra.wanderland-sperrungen_umleitungen have the following changes on their CHSDI data model with this release as previously announced: **Attributes to be removed: content_provider, reason, state_validate, type, url1_text. Attributes to be added: content_provider_de, content_provider_fr, content_provider_it, content_provider_en, reason_de, reason_fr, reason_it, reason_en, state_validate_de, state_validate_fr, state_validate_it, state_validate_en (all text instead of coded values), route_nr, segment_nr, type_de, type_fr, type_it, type_en
the layers ch.astra.strassenverkehrszaehlung_messstellen-regional_lokal and ch.astra.strassenverkehrszaehlung_messstellen-uebergeordnet will be removed from FSDI services with the release on October 26th 2022
Bug fixes
New |
Upper timberline (ch.bafu.wald-obere-waldgrenze) |
New |
Frequency of Föhn (ch.bafu.wald-foehnhaeufigkeit_jahr) |
New |
Continentality 1000 m 1995 (ch.bafu.wald-kontinentalitaet_jahr_1000m_1981_2010) |
New |
Continentality 1000 m July 1995 (ch.bafu.wald-kontinentalitaet_juli_1000m_1981_2010) |
New |
Rel. air humidity July, 1981-2010 (ch.bafu.wald-relative_luftfeuchte_juli_1981_2010) |
New |
Rel. air humidity year, 1981-2010 (ch.bafu.wald-relative_luftfeuchte_jahr_1981_2010) |
New |
Precipitation summer 2085, RCP 8.5 (ch.bafu.wald-niederschlag_sommer_2085_stark) |
New |
Precipitation summer 2085, RCP 4.5 (ch.bafu.wald-niederschlag_sommer_2085_maessig) |
New |
Precipitation summer 2085, RCP 2.6 (ch.bafu.wald-niederschlag_sommer_2085_gering) |
New |
Precipitation Appril-August 2085, RCP 8.5 (ch.bafu.wald-niederschlag_april_august_2085_stark) |
New |
Precipitation Appril-August 2085, RCP 4.5 (ch.bafu.wald-niederschlag_april_august_2085_maessig) |
New |
Precipitation Appril-August 2085, RCP 2.6 (ch.bafu.wald-niederschlag_april_august_2085_gering) |
New |
Air temperature July 2085, RCP 8.5 (ch.bafu.wald-lufttemperatur_juli_2085_stark) |
New |
Air temperature July 2085, RCP 4.5 (ch.bafu.wald-lufttemperatur_juli_2085_maessig) |
New |
Air temperature July 2085, RCP 2.6 (ch.bafu.wald-lufttemperatur_juli_2085_gering) |
New |
Air temperature July 2085, 1981-2010 (ch.bafu.wald-lufttemperatur_juli_1981_2010) |
New |
Air temperature July 2085, 1961-1990 (ch.bafu.wald-lufttemperatur_juli_1961_1990) |
Update |
Restrictions for drones (ch.bazl.einschraenkungen-drohnen) |
Update |
Vermessungsstrecken - Querprofilmarke (ch.bafu.wasserbau-querprofilmarken) |
Update |
Datenbank Querprofile (QP) - Vermessungsstrecken (ch.bafu.wasserbau-vermessungsstrecken) |
Update |
Noise exp. 1st night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_erste-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lmax (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter-maximalpegel) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lr (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter) |
Update |
Noise exp. light / large airecrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_klein-grossflugzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. ligt aircrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_kleinluftfahrzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. last night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_letzte-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. milit. aerodr. (tot.) (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_militaer-gesamt) |
Update |
Noise exp. 2nd night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_zweite-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Traffic counting locations - principal (ch.astra.strassenverkehrszaehlung-uebergeordnet) |
Update |
SWISSIMAGE Journey thru time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product) |
Update |
Tiling SWISSIMAGE Journey thru time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product.metadata) |
Update |
Planimetric control points LFP1 (ch.swisstopo.fixpunkte-lfp1) |
Update |
Aerial Images swisstopo color (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_farbe) |
Update |
Aerial Images swisstopo b / w (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_schwarzweiss) |
Update |
Aerial Images swisstopo infrared (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_infrarot) |
Update |
Aerial images privates (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder-dritte-firmen) |
Release 20220629 - Wednesday, June 29th 2022¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcement:
ch.astra.mountainbikeland-sperrungen_umleitungen, ch.astra.skatingland-sperrungen_umleitungen, ch.astra.veloland-sperrungen_umleitungen and ch.astra.wanderland-sperrungen_umleitungen will get the following changes on their CHSDI data model with the release on September 7th 2022: **Attributes to be removed: content_provider, reason, state_validate, type, url1_text. Attributes to be added: content_provider_de, content_provider_fr, content_provider_it, content_provider_en, reason_de, reason_fr, reason_it, reason_en, state_validate_de, state_validate_fr, state_validate_it, state_validate_en (all text instead of coded values), route_nr, segment_nr, type_de, type_fr, type_it, type_en
ch.swisstopo.uebersicht-gemeinden and ch.swisstopo.uebersicht-schweiz have been removed from FSDI services as previously announced
ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-1000to21000km2, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-100to1000km2, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-10to100km2 ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-10x10km, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-1x1km, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-gt21000km2, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-lt10km2, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-linien and ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-punkte have been removed from FSDI services as previously announced
Bug fixes
Update |
Division national map 100 Raster (ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-pk100.metadata) |
Update |
Division national map 50 Raster (ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-pk50.metadata) |
Update |
Division national map 25 Raster (ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-pk25.metadata) |
Update |
Gravimetric base network (ch.swisstopo.landesschwerenetz) |
Update |
Height control points HFP1 (ch.swisstopo.fixpunkte-hfp1) |
Update |
Image strips swisstopo (ch.swisstopo.lubis-bildstreifen) |
Update |
Bathing water quality (ch.bafu.gewaesserschutz-badewasserqualitaet) |
Update |
Swiss Parks (Zones) (ch.bafu.schutzgebiete-paerke_nationaler_bedeutung) |
Update |
Swiss Parks (Perimeter) (ch.bafu.schutzgebiete-paerke_nationaler_bedeutung_perimeter) |
Update |
SIL consultation (ch.bazl.sachplan-infrastruktur-luftfahrt_anhorung) |
Update |
SP Aviation infrastructure (ch.bazl.sachplan-infrastruktur-luftfahrt_kraft) |
Update |
GeoCover - Vector Datasets (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover) |
Update |
Division GeoCover (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover.metadata) |
Update |
Geological Atlas GA25 (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas) |
Update |
Division Geological Atlas GA25 (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas.metadata) |
Update |
Geographical Names swissNAMES3D (ch.swisstopo.swissnames3d) |
Update |
swissSURFACE3D Hillshade Monodirectional (ch.swisstopo.swisssurface3d-reliefschattierung_monodirektional) |
Update |
swissSURFACE3D Hillshade Multidirectional (ch.swisstopo.swisssurface3d-reliefschattierung-multidirektional) |
Update |
SPM consultation (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_anhoerung) |
Update |
Erosion risk crop qualitative (ch.blw.erosion) |
Update |
Erosion risk crop quantitative (ch.blw.erosion-quantitativ) |
Release 20220518 - Wednesday, Mai 18th 2022¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
XYZ Service Request Structure Documentation:
- Announcement:
ch.bazl.luftfahrthindernis has changed its data model as previously announced: Attributes removed: abortionaccomplished, duration, lk100, sanctiontext, startofconstruction, totallength. Attributes added: airport, effectivedate, group, lighting, marking, radius, uuid.
ch.swisstopo.amtliches-strassenverzeichnis has changed its complete data model as previously announced. New model according to the official model description Attributes removed: id, label, plzo, gdenr, gdename, type, status, official, validated, modified. Attributes added: str_esid, stn_label, zip_label, com_fosnr, com_name, str_type, str_status, str_official, str_valid, str_modified
ch.swisstopo.wanderkarte50_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.wanderkarte33_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.wanderkarte25-zus_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.skitourenkarte-50.metadata, ch.swisstopo.strassenkarte200_papier.metadata,ch.swisstopo.burgenkarte200_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.landeskarte25_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.landeskarte50_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.landeskarte100_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.landeskarte200_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.generalkarte300_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.landeskarte500_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.landeskarte1000_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.luftfahrtkarten-icao_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.segelflugkarte_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-spezialkarten_schweiz_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologische_karte_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-tektonische_karte_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-grundwasservorkommen_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geodaesie-bouguer_anomalien_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-eiszeit-lgm-raster_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-grundwasservulnerabilitaet_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gravimetrischer_atlas_papier.metadata have been removed from FSDI services as previously announced
ch.swisstopo.uebersicht-gemeinden and ch.swisstopo.uebersicht-schweiz will be removed from FSDI services with the release on June 29th 2022
ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-1000to21000km2, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-100to1000km2, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-10to100km2 ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-10x10km, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-1x1km, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-gt21000km2, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-flaechen-lt10km2, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-linien and ch.swisstopo.geologie-gisgeol-punkte will be removed from FSDI services with the release on June 29th 2022
Bug fixes
New |
Geological Profiles GA25 (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas_profile) |
New |
Latest changes of obstacles (ch.bazl.luftfahrthindernis-aenderungen) |
Update |
TBE: Side of tick bite reported (ch.bag.zecken-fsme-faelle) |
Update |
Restrictions for drones (ch.bazl.einschraenkungen-drohnen) |
Update |
Airspaces: Control areas - CTA (ch.bazl.luftraeume-kontrollbezirke) |
Update |
Airspaces: Control zones - CTR (ch.bazl.luftraeume-kontrollzonen) |
Update |
Airspaces: Flight information region - FIR (ch.bazl.luftraeume-fluginformationsgebiet) |
Update |
Airspaces: Flight information zones - FIZ (ch.bazl.luftraeume-fluginformationszonen) |
Update |
Airspaces: Terminal control areas - TMA (ch.bazl.luftraeume-nahkontrollbezirke) |
Update |
Aeronautical Chart ICAO (ch.bazl.luftfahrtkarten-icao) |
Update |
Glider Chart (ch.bazl.segelflugkarte) |
Update |
SWISS MIL PILOTS CHART (ch.vbs.swissmilpilotschart) |
Update |
Map of restricted and danger areas (ch.vbs.sperr-gefahrenzonenkarte) |
Update |
Mil Airspace Chart (ch.vbs.milairspacechart) |
Update |
Aerodromes + Heliports (ch.bazl.flugplaetze-heliports) |
Update |
Alp. Floodplains outside Fed. Inv. (ch.bafu.auen-ausserhalb_bundesinventar_alpin) |
update |
Contaminated military sites V2.0 PLR (ch.vbs.kataster-belasteter-standorte-militaer_v2_0.oereb) WMS and OEREB FS only |
Update |
Official street index (ch.swisstopo.amtliches-strassenverzeichnis) |
Update |
Housing Inventory (ch.are.wohnungsinventar-zweitwohnungsanteil) |
Update |
Air navigation obstacles (ch.bazl.luftfahrthindernis) |
Update |
Aerial images cantons (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder-dritte-kantone) |
Update |
Division Dufour Map Raster (ch.swisstopo.hiks-dufour.metadata) |
Update |
Division Siegfried Map 50 Raster (ch.swisstopo.hiks-siegfried-ta50.metadata) |
Update |
Division Siegfried Map 25 Raster (ch.swisstopo.hiks-siegfried-ta25.metadata) |
Release 20220316 - Wednesday, March 16th 2022¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
Announcement: the layer ch.bazl.luftfahrthindernis will change its data model with the FSDI Release on May 18th 2022: Attributes to be removed: abortionaccomplished, bbox, coordinates, duration, lk100, sanctiontext, startofconstruction, totallength. Attributes to be added: airport, effectivedate, group, lighting, marking, radius, uuid. More info will follow soon here
Announcement: the layer ch.swisstopo.amtliches-strassenverzeichnis will change its complete data model with the FSDI release on May 18th 2022. New model according to the official model description Attributes to be removed: id, label, plzo, gdenr, gdename, type, status, official, validated, modified. Attributes to be added: str_esid, stn_label, zip_label, com_fosnr, com_name, str_type, str_status, str_official, str_valid, str_modified
Announcement: the layers ch.swisstopo.wanderkarte50_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.wanderkarte33_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.wanderkarte25-zus_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.skitourenkarte-50.metadata, ch.swisstopo.strassenkarte200_papier.metadata,ch.swisstopo.burgenkarte200_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.landeskarte25_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.landeskarte50_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.landeskarte100_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.landeskarte200_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.generalkarte300_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.landeskarte500_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.landeskarte1000_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.luftfahrtkarten-icao_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.segelflugkarte_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-spezialkarten_schweiz_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologische_karte_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-tektonische_karte_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-grundwasservorkommen_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-geodaesie-bouguer_anomalien_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-eiszeit-lgm-raster_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-grundwasservulnerabilitaet_papier.metadata, ch.swisstopo.geologie-gravimetrischer_atlas_papier.metadata will be removed from FSDI services on May 18th 2022.
Announcement: the layers ch.bfs.arealstatistik-1985, ch.bfs.arealstatistik-1997, ch.bfs.arealstatistik-bodenbedeckung-1985, ch.bfs.arealstatistik-bodenbedeckung-1997, ch.bfs.arealstatistik-bodennutzung, ch.bfs.arealstatistik-bodennutzung-1985, ch.bfs.arealstatistik-bodennutzung-1997 and ch.bfs.arealstatistik-hintergrund have been removed from FSDI services as previously announced
Announcement: the layer ch.swisstopo.amtliches-gebaeudeadressverzeichnis has the following attributes replaced according to the official model : id is now adr_egaid, str_label is now stn_label, adr_zip is now zip_label
Announcement the layer ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register has the following additional attributes: gschutzr, gebf, gwaerzh1, genh1, gwaersceh1, gwaerdath1, gwaerzh2, genh2, gwaersceh2, gwaerdath2, gwaerzw1, genw1, gwaerscew1, gwaerdatw1, gwaerzw2, genw2, gwaerscew2, gwaerdatw2, wbauj, wabbj, warea, wazim, wkche
Bug fixes
New |
Reserved zones airports modification V2.0 PLR (ch.bazl.projektierungszonen-flughafenanlagen_aenderung_v2_0.oereb) WMS only |
Update |
Safety zone plan modification V2.0 PLR (ch.bazl.sicherheitszonenplan_aenderung_v2_0.oereb) WMS only |
Update |
Dwellings (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-gebaeudestatistik_wohnungen) |
Update |
Buildings (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-gebaeudestatistik_gebaeude) |
Update |
Population (residents) (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-bevoelkerungsstatistik_einwohner) |
Update |
Enterprises (ch.bfs.betriebszaehlungen-arbeitsstaetten) |
Update |
Employment (FTE) (ch.bfs.betriebszaehlungen-beschaeftigte_vollzeitaequivalente) |
Update |
Accidents involving a bicycle (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_fahrraeder) |
Update |
Accidents with fatalities (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_getoetete) |
Update |
Accidents with personal injury (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_alle) |
Update |
Accidents involving a pedestrian (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_fussgaenger) |
Update |
Accidents involving a motorcycle (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_motorraeder) |
Update |
Accidents per inhabitant (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_pro_einwohner) |
Update |
Accidents per inhabitant - Speeding (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_geschwindigkeit) |
Update |
Accidents per inhabitant - Alcohol (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_alkohol) |
Update |
Accidents in the annual comparison (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_jahresvergleich) |
Update |
Public transport connection quality ARE (ch.are.gueteklassen_oev) |
Update |
Other protected areas AuLaV (ch.bafu.schutzgebiete-aulav_uebrige) |
Update |
Vermessungsstrecken - Querprofilmarke (ch.bafu.wasserbau-querprofilmarken) |
Update |
Datenbank Querprofile (QP) - Vermessungsstrecken (ch.bafu.wasserbau-vermessungsstrecken) |
Update |
SIS starting point (ch.bav.sachplan-infrastruktur-schiene_ausgangslage) |
Update |
SIL starting point (ch.bav.sachplan-infrastruktur-schiene_kraft) |
Update |
Reserved zones aiports (ch.bazl.projektierungszonen-flughafenanlagen) |
Update |
SIL consultation (ch.bazl.sachplan-infrastruktur-luftfahrt_anhorung) |
Update |
SP Aviation infrastructure (ch.bazl.sachplan-infrastruktur-luftfahrt_kraft) |
Update |
Safety zone plan (ch.bazl.sicherheitszonenplan) |
Update |
Charging points for electric cars (ch.bfe.ladestellen-elektromobilitaet) |
Update |
Minergie (ch.bfe.minergiegebaeude) |
Update |
Register of Buildings and Dwellings (ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register) |
Update |
Administrative borders G1, agglomerations (ch.bfs.generalisierte-grenzen_agglomerationen_g1) |
Update |
Administrative borders G2, agglomerations (ch.bfs.generalisierte-grenzen_agglomerationen_g2) |
Update |
Meat products (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-fleisch) |
Update |
Cheese (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-kaese) |
Update |
Confectionery (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-konditoreiwaren) |
Update |
Plant products (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-pflanzen) |
Update |
Spirits (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-spirituosen) |
Update |
Climate normals sunshine duration 1961-1990 (ch.meteoschweiz.klimanormwerte-sonnenscheindauer_1961_1990) |
Update |
Climate normals sunshine duration 1981-2010 (ch.meteoschweiz.klimanormwerte-sonnenscheindauer_aktuelle_periode) |
Update |
Climate normals temperature 1961-1990 (ch.meteoschweiz.klimanormwerte-temperatur_1961_1990) |
Update |
Climate normals temperature 1981-2010 (ch.meteoschweiz.klimanormwerte-temperatur_aktuelle_periode) |
Update |
Climate normals precipitation 1961-1990 (ch.meteoschweiz.klimanormwerte-niederschlag_1961_1990) |
Update |
Climate normals precipitation 1981-2010 (ch.meteoschweiz.klimanormwerte-niederschlag_aktuelle_periode) |
Update |
Ski routes (ch.swisstopo-karto.skitouren) |
Update |
AGNES (ch.swisstopo.fixpunkte-agnes) |
Update |
Planimetric control points LFP1 (ch.swisstopo.fixpunkte-lfp1) |
Update |
Paper map: National Map 1:500’000 (ch.swisstopo.landeskarte500_papier.metadata) |
Update |
swissALTI3D Hillshade Multidirectional (ch.swisstopo.swissalti3d-reliefschattierung) |
Update |
swissALTI3D Hillshade Monodirectional (ch.swisstopo.swissalti3d-reliefschattierung) |
Update |
National boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-land-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
Cantonal boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-kanton-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
District boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-bezirk-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
Municipal boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-gemeinde-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
Hydrography swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-gewaessernetz) |
Update |
Railway swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-eisenbahnnetz) |
Update |
Cableways swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-uebrigerverkehr) |
Update |
Roads and Tracks swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-strassen) |
Update |
Hiking trails (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wanderwege) |
Update |
Forest swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wald) |
Update |
Division hiking map 50 Paper (ch.swisstopo.wanderkarte50_papier.metadata) |
Update |
SPM consultation (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_anhoerung) |
Update |
SP Military (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_kraft) |
Update |
Journey through time (ch.swisstopo.zeitreihen) |
Release 20211215 - Wednesday, December 15th 2021¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
Announcement: the layer ch.babs.kulturgueter-anhoerung has been removed from FSDI services as previously announced
Announcement: the layer ch.bakom.downlink3 has been removed from FSDI services as previously announced
Announcement: the layers ch.bfs.arealstatistik-1985, ch.bfs.arealstatistik-1997, ch.bfs.arealstatistik-bodenbedeckung-1985, ch.bfs.arealstatistik-bodenbedeckung-1997, ch.bfs.arealstatistik-bodennutzung, ch.bfs.arealstatistik-bodennutzung-1985, ch.bfs.arealstatistik-bodennutzung-1997 and ch.bfs.arealstatistik-hintergrund will be removed from FSDI services on March 16th 2022
Announcement: the layer ch.swisstopo.fixpunkte-lfp1 has the following structural changes: Removed attributes: y03, x03. Newly added attributes: l_gen_lv95, h_gen_lv95, l_zuv_lv95, h_zuv_lv95 as announced in the api google group
Bug fixes
New |
Passenger traffic rail 2050 (ch.are.belastung-personenverkehr-bahn_zukunft) |
New |
Passenger/freight traffic road 2050 (ch.are.belastung-personenverkehr-strasse_zukunft) |
New |
Building lines for motorways V2.0 PLR (ch.astra.baulinien-nationalstrassen_v2_0.oereb) WMS and OEREB FS only |
New |
Building lines for motorways mod. V2.0 PLR (ch.astra.baulinien-nationalstrassen_aenderung_v2_0.oereb) WMS only |
New |
Reserved zones for motorways V2.0 PLR (ch.astra.projektierungszonen-nationalstrassen_v2_0.oereb) WMS and OEREB FS only |
New |
Building lines for railways V2.0 PLR (ch.bav.baulinien-eisenbahnanlagen_v2_0.oereb) WMS and OEREB FS only |
New |
CCS public transports V2.0 PLR (ch.bav.kataster-belasteter-standorte-oev_v2_0.oereb) WMS and OEREB FS only |
New |
Reserved zones for public transport facilities V2.0 PLR (ch.bav.projektierungszonen-eisenbahnanlagen_v2_0.oereb) WMS and OEREB FS only |
New |
Building lines for airports V2.0 PLR (ch.bazl.baulinien-flughafenanlagen_v2_0.oereb) WMS and OEREB FS only |
New |
CCS civil aerodromes V2.0 PLR (ch.bazl.kataster-belasteter-standorte-zivilflugplaetze_v2_0.oereb) WMS and OEREB FS only |
New |
Reserved zones airports V2.0 PLR (ch.bazl.projektierungszonen-flughafenanlagen_v2_0.oereb) WMS and OEREB FS only |
New |
Safety zone plan V2.0 PLR (ch.bazl.sicherheitszonenplan_v2_0.oereb) WMS and OEREB FS only |
New |
Safety zone plan modification V2.0 PLR (ch.bazl.sicherheitszonenplan_aenderung_v2_0.oereb) WMS only |
New |
Baulinien Starkstrom V2 ÖREB (ch.bfe.baulinien-starkstromanlagen_v2_0.oereb) WMS and OEREB FS only |
New |
Baulinien Starkstroma Änd. V2 ÖREB (ch.bfe.baulinien-starkstromanlagen_aenderung_v2_0.oereb) WMS only |
New |
Projektierungszonen Starkstrom V2 ÖREB (ch.bfe.projektierungszonen-starkstromanlagen_v2_0.oereb) WMS and OEREB FS only |
New |
Projektierungszonen Starkstrom Änd. V2 ÖREB (ch.bfe.projektierungszonen-starkstromanlagen_aenderung_v2_0.oereb) WMS only |
New |
Climate scenarios indoor climate (ch.meteoschweiz.klimaszenarien-raumklima) |
New |
Road Map 1:200’000 (ch.swisstopo.strassenkarte-200) |
New |
Contaminated military sites V2.0 PLR (ch.vbs.kataster-belasteter-standorte-militaer_v2_0.oereb) WMS and OEREB FS only |
Update |
Building lines for motorways (ch.astra.baulinien-nationalstrassen) |
Update |
PCP Inventory (ch.babs.kulturgueter) |
Update |
Bathing water quality (ch.bafu.gewaesserschutz-badewasserqualitaet) |
Update |
Paper map: National Map 1:200’000 (ch.swisstopo.landeskarte200_papier.metadata) |
Update |
Printed Map: Road Map 1:200’000 (ch.swisstopo.strassenkarte200_papier.metadata) |
Update |
Paper map: General Map 1:300’000 (ch.swisstopo.generalkarte300_papier.metadata) |
Update |
Swiss Parks (Zones) (ch.bafu.schutzgebiete-paerke_nationaler_bedeutung) |
Update |
Swiss Parks (Perimeter) (ch.bafu.schutzgebiete-paerke_nationaler_bedeutung_perimeter) |
Update |
Flussgebiete (Einzugsgebiete) HADES (ch.bafu.hydrologischer-atlas_flussgebiete) |
Update |
Roads and Tracks swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-strassen) |
Update |
Ibex colonies (ch.bafu.fauna-steinbockkolonien) |
Update |
Ski routes (ch.swisstopo-karto.skitouren) |
Update |
Snowshoe routes (ch.swisstopo-karto.schneeschuhrouten) |
Update |
Designated wildlife areas (bafu.wrz-wildruhezonen_portal) |
Update |
Wildlife reserves (ch.bafu.wrz-jagdbanngebiete_select) |
Update |
Railway network (ch.bav.schienennetz) |
Update |
Land use statistics standard (ch.bfs.arealstatistik) |
Update |
Land use statistics cover (ch.bfs.arealstatistik-bodennutzung) |
Update |
Tank relocation routes (ch.vbs.panzerverschiebungsrouten) |
Update |
swissBATHY3D Hillshade (ch.swisstopo.swissbathy3d-reliefschattierung) |
Update |
Meat products (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-fleisch) |
Update |
Cheese (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-kaese) |
Update |
Confectionery (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-konditoreiwaren) |
Update |
Plant products (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-pflanzen) |
Update |
Spirits (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-spirituosen) |
Update |
Snowshoe trekking (ch.swisstopo.schneeschuhwandern) |
Release 20211027 - Wednesday, October 27th 2021¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
Announcement: the layer ch.babs.kulturgueter-anhoerung will completely be removed from FSDI services on December 15th 2021
Announcement: the layer ch.bakom.downlink3 will completely be removed from FSDI services on December 15th 2021
Bug fixes
New |
Altitudinal zones 1975 (ch.bafu.wald-vegetationshoehenstufen_1975) |
New |
Potential heat use of water bodies (ch.bfe.waermepotential-gewaesser) |
New |
Hail hazard (size), 100 years (ch.meteoschweiz.hagelgefaehrdung-korngroesse_100_jahre) |
New |
Armee- und Kriegsdenkmäler (ch.vbs.armee-kriegsdenkmaeler) |
Update |
Terrestrial images swisstopo (ch.swisstopo.lubis-terrestrische_aufnahmen) |
Update |
Altitudinal zones 2085 less dry (ch.bafu.wald-vegetationshoehenstufen_2085_weniger_trocken) |
Update |
Altitudinal zones 2085 dry (ch.bafu.wald-vegetationshoehenstufen_2085_trocken) |
Update |
Arsenals (ch.vbs.retablierungsstellen) |
Update |
SP Military (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_kraft) |
Update |
SPM consultation (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_anhoerung) |
Release 20210908 - Wednesday, September 8th 2021¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
Announcement: …
Bug fixes
New |
145 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-145_zentral) |
New |
145 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-145_festnetz) |
New |
145 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-145_mobilnetz) |
Update |
Emergency calls by comune (ch.bakom.notruf) |
Update |
112 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-112_zentral) |
Update |
117 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-117_zentral) |
Update |
118 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-118_zentral) |
Update |
143 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-143_zentral) |
Update |
144 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-144_zentral) |
Update |
147 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-147_zentral) |
Update |
112 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_festnetz) |
Update |
117 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-117_festnetz) |
Update |
118 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-118_festnetz) |
Update |
143 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-143_festnetz) |
Update |
144 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-144_festnetz) |
Update |
147 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-147_festnetz) |
Update |
112 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_mobilnetz) |
Update |
117 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-117_mobilnetz) |
Update |
118 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-118_mobilnetz) |
Update |
143 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-143_mobilnetz) |
Update |
144 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-144_mobilnetz) |
Update |
147 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-147_mobilnetz) |
Update |
112 Satellite network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_satellit) |
Update |
Cleantech projects (ch.bfe.energieforschung) |
Update |
Bathing water quality (ch.bafu.gewaesserschutz-badewasserqualitaet) |
Update |
Forest mix rate NFI (ch.bafu.landesforstinventar-waldmischungsgrad) |
Update |
Thermal networks (ch.bfe.thermische-netze) |
Update |
Fleischwaren (GGA) (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-fleisch) |
Update |
Käse (GUB) (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-kaese) |
Update |
Konditoreiwaren (GGA) (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-konditoreiwaren) |
Update |
Pflanziche Produkte (GUB) (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-pflanzen) |
Update |
Spirituosen (GUB) (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-spirituosen) |
Update |
GeoCover - Vector Datasets (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover) |
Update |
Geological Atlas GA25 (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas) |
Update |
Map of forest damage – projectile (ch.vbs.waldschadenkarte) |
Release 20210630 - Wednesday, June 30th 2021¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
Announcement: the layer ch.swisstopo.konsultation-lk10-landeskarte will completely be removed from FSDI services on Sept. 8th 2021
Announcement: the layer ch.bafu.bundesinventare-flachmoore_regional has been removed from the FSDI services as previously announced
Announcement: the layers ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_hochwasser, ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_lawinen, ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_rutschungen, ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_sturzprozesse, ch.bafu.showme-kantone_hochwasser, ch.bafu.showme-kantone_lawinen, ch.bafu.showme-kantone_rutschungen and ch.bafu.showme-kantone_sturzprozesse have been removed from the FSDI services as previously announced
Bug fixes
New |
Radioactivity in the atmosphere (ch.bag.radioaktivitaet-atmosphaere) |
New |
Vegetation height model NFI (ch.bafu.landesforstinventar-vegetationshoehenmodell) |
New |
Surface model NFI (ch.bafu.landesforstinventar-vegetationshoehenmodell_relief) |
New |
Forest mix rate NFI (ch.bafu.landesforstinventar-waldmischungsgrad) |
New |
Accessibility of pharmacies (ch.bfs.erreichbarkeit-apotheken) |
New |
Accessibility of restaurants (ch.bfs.erreichbarkeit-restaurants) |
Update |
Solar energy: suitability of roofs (ch.bfe.solarenergie-eignung-daecher) |
Update |
Zeckenstichmodell (ch.bag.zeckenstichmodell) |
Update |
SWISSIMAGE Journey thru time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product) |
Update |
Tiling SWISSIMAGE Journey thru time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product.metadata) |
Update |
Tank relocation routes (ch.vbs.panzerverschiebungsrouten) |
Update |
Municipal boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-gemeinde-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
SIN consultation (ch.astra.sachplan-infrastruktur-strasse_anhoerung) |
Update |
Fens (ch.bafu.bundesinventare-flachmoore) |
Update |
Bathing water quality (ch.bafu.gewaesserschutz-badewasserqualitaet) |
Update |
Emergency calls by comune (ch.bakom.notruf) |
Update |
112 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_festnetz) |
Update |
112 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_mobilnetz) |
Update |
112 Satellite network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_satellit) |
Update |
117 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-117_festnetz) |
Update |
117 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-117_mobilnetz) |
Update |
118 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-118_festnetz) |
Update |
118 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-118_mobilnetz) |
Update |
143 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-143_festnetz) |
Update |
143 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-143_mobilnetz) |
Update |
144 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-144_festnetz) |
Update |
144 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-144_mobilnetz) |
Update |
147 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-147_festnetz) |
Update |
147 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-147_mobilnetz) |
Update |
112 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-112_zentral) |
Update |
117 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-117_zentral) |
Update |
118 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-118_zentral) |
Update |
143 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-143_zentral) |
Update |
144 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-144_zentral) |
Update |
147 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-147_zentral) |
Update |
Waste incineration plants (ch.bfe.kehrichtverbrennungsanlagen) |
Update |
GeoCover - Vector Datasets (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover) |
Update |
Division GeoCover (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover.metadata) |
Update |
Geological Atlas GA25 (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas) |
Update |
Division geological atlas 25 Raster (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas.metadata) |
Update |
Division geological atlas 25 Raster (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas.metadata) |
Update |
Division geological atlas 25 Vector (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas_vector.metadata) |
Update |
Division geological atlas 25 Papier (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas_papier.metadata) |
Update |
Division swissSURFACE3D Raster (ch.swisstopo.swisssurface3d-raster.metadata) |
Update |
swissSURFACE3D Hillshade Monodirectional (ch.swisstopo.swisssurface3d-reliefschattierung_monodirektional) |
Update |
swissSURFACE3D Hillshade Multidirectional (ch.swisstopo.swisssurface3d-reliefschattierung-multidirektional) |
Update |
Vermessungsstrecken - Querprofilmarke (ch.bafu.wasserbau-querprofilmarken) |
Update |
Datenbank Querprofile (QP) - Vermessungsstrecken (ch.bafu.wasserbau-vermessungsstrecken) |
Update |
Geographical Names swissNAMES3D (ch.swisstopo.swissnames3d) |
Update |
Alps with livestock guardian dogs (ch.bafu.alpweiden-herdenschutzhunde) |
Update |
Pro Natura: Nature Preserves (ch.pronatura.naturschutzgebiete) |
Release 20210505 - Wednesday, May 5th 2021¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
Announcement: the layers ch.bfe.bikesharing, ch.mobility.standorte and ch.bfe.energiestaedte-energieregionen have been removed from the FSDI services as previously announced
Announcement: the layer ch.bafu.bundesinventare-flachmoore_regional will be completely removed from the FSDI services in June 2021
Announcement: the layers ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_hochwasser, ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_lawinen, ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_rutschungen, ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_sturzprozesse, ch.bafu.showme-kantone_hochwasser, ch.bafu.showme-kantone_lawinen, ch.bafu.showme-kantone_rutschungen and ch.bafu.showme-kantone_sturzprozesse will be completely removed from the FSDI services in June 2021
Bug fixes
New |
Hail hazard (size), 10 years (ch.meteoschweiz.hagelgefaehrdung-korngroesse_10_jahre) |
New |
Hail hazard (size), 20 years (ch.meteoschweiz.hagelgefaehrdung-korngroesse_20_jahre) |
New |
Hail hazard (size), 50 years (ch.meteoschweiz.hagelgefaehrdung-korngroesse_50_jahre) |
New |
Amphibienwanderungen mit Verkehrskonflikten (ch.bafu.amphibienwanderung-verkehrskonflikte) |
New |
ISOS - Photos (ch.bak.bundesinventar-schuetzenswerte-ortsbilder_fotos) |
Update |
Aerial images cantons (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder-dritte-kantone) |
Update |
Mountainbiking in Switzerland (ch.astra.mountainbikeland) |
Update |
Skating in Switzerland (ch.astra.skatingland) |
Update |
Cycling in Switzerland (ch.astra.veloland) |
Update |
Hiking in Switzerland (ch.astra.wanderland) |
Update |
Interregional wildlife corridor (ch.bafu.fauna-wildtierkorridor_national) |
Update |
Seismic subsoil classes (ch.bafu.gefahren-baugrundklassen) |
Update |
TBE: Side of tick bite reported (ch.bag.zecken-fsme-faelle) |
Update |
Restrictions for drones (ch.bazl.einschraenkungen-drohnen) |
Update |
Aerodromes + Heliports (ch.bazl.flugplaetze-heliports) |
Update |
Aeronautical Chart ICAO (ch.bazl.luftfahrtkarten-icao) |
Update |
Glider Chart (ch.bazl.segelflugkarte) |
Update |
Mil Airspace Chart (ch.vbs.milairspacechart) |
Update |
SWISS MIL PILOTS CHART (ch.vbs.swissmilpilotschart) |
Update |
Mountain landing sites (ch.bazl.gebirgslandeplaetze) |
Update |
Airspaces - TMA (ch.bazl.luftraeume-nahkontrollbezirke) |
Update |
Airspaces - FIZ (ch.bazl.luftraeume-fluginformationszonen) |
Update |
Airspaces - FIR (ch.bazl.luftraeume-fluginformationsgebiet) |
Update |
Airspaces - CTR (ch.bazl.luftraeume-kontrollzonen) |
Update |
Aeronatutical Chart ICAO (ch.bazl.luftfahrtkarten-icao) |
Update |
Map of restricted and danger areas (ch.vbs.sperr-gefahrenzonenkarte) |
Update |
Spitallandeplätze (ch.bazl.spitallandeplaetze) |
Update |
Pro Natura forest reserves (ch.pronatura.waldreservate) |
Update |
Gravimetric base network (ch.swisstopo.landesschwerenetz) |
Update |
Glacier Thickness (ch.swisstopo.geologie-gletschermaechtigkeit) |
Update |
Hydrography swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-gewaessernetz) |
Update |
Railway swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-eisenbahnnetz) |
Update |
Cableways swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-uebrigerverkehr) |
Update |
Roads and Tracks swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-strassen) |
Update |
Hiking trails (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wanderwege) |
Update |
Forest swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wald) |
Update |
Pollutant releases (SwissPRTR) (ch.bafu.swissprtr) |
Update |
Wind energy plants (ch.bfe.windenergieanlagen) |
Update |
ISOS - Site records (ch.bak.bundesinventar-schuetzenswerte-ortsbilder) |
Update |
Municipal boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-gemeinde-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
Built-up areas VIL (ch.bazl.bebaute-gebiete_luftfahrtrecht) |
Update |
Traffic counting locations - principal (ch.astra.strassenverkehrszaehlung-uebergeordnet) |
Update |
Main roads network (ch.astra.hauptstrassennetz) |
Update |
Hydropower statistics (ch.bfe.statistik-wasserkraftanlagen) |
Update |
Traffic counting locations local (ch.astra.strassenverkehrszaehlung_messstellen-regional_lokal) |
Update |
Traffic counting locations principal (ch.astra.strassenverkehrszaehlung_messstellen-uebergeordnet) |
Update |
Employment (FTE) (ch.bfs.betriebszaehlungen-beschaeftigte_vollzeitaequivalente) |
Update |
Enterprises (ch.bfs.betriebszaehlungen-arbeitsstaetten) |
Update |
Dwellings (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-gebaeudestatistik_wohnungen) |
Update |
Buildings (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-gebaeudestatistik_gebaeude) |
Update |
Population (residents) (ch.bfs.volkszaehlung-bevoelkerungsstatistik_einwohner) |
Update |
Administrative borders G1, agglomerations (ch.bfs.generalisierte-grenzen_agglomerationen_g1) |
Update |
Administrative borders G2, agglomerations (ch.bfs.generalisierte-grenzen_agglomerationen_g2) |
Release 20210317 - Wednesday, March 17th 2021¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
Announcement: Changes in SEARCH Service taking effect on 05.05.2021: in the response “weight:” results will change (improved weighting and correct merge of exact + wildcard results). Test the new behaviour on our intgeration plattform (not for operational use): - INT SEARCH Service: - INT SEARCH Service example: - INT SEARCH Service example: - CHANGES are documented in the PULL REQUEST:
Announcement: the layers ch.bafu.grundwasserschutzareale, ch.bafu.grundwasserschutzzonen and ch.bafu.gewaesserschutzbereiche have been removed from the FSDI services as previously announced
Announcement: the layers ch.blw.emapis-beizugsgebiet, ch.blw.emapis-bewaesserung, ch.blw.emapis-elektrizitaetsversorgung, ch.blw.emapis-entwaesserung, ch.blw.emapis-hochbau, ch.blw.emapis-milchleitung, ch.blw.emapis-oekologie, ch.blw.emapis-projektschwerpunkt, ch.blw.emapis-seilbahnen, ch.blw.emapis-wasserversorgung, ch.blw.emapis-wegebau and ch.blw.emapis-zusammenfassung have been removed from the FSDI services as previously announced
Announcement: the layers ch.bfe.bikesharing, ch.mobility.standorte and ch.bfe.energiestaedte-energieregionen will be completely removed from the FSDI services in May 2021
Announcement: the layer ch.bafu.bundesinventare-flachmoore_regional will be completely removed from the FSDI services in June 2021
Announcement: the layers ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_hochwasser, ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_lawinen, ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_rutschungen, ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_sturzprozesse, ch.bafu.showme-kantone_hochwasser, ch.bafu.showme-kantone_lawinen, ch.bafu.showme-kantone_rutschungen and ch.bafu.showme-kantone_sturzprozesse will be completely removed from the FSDI services in June 2021
Bug fixes
New |
Electricity production plants (ch.bfe.elektrizitaetsproduktionsanlagen) |
New |
Heating advice large apartments (ch.bfe.erneuerbarheizen-mehrfamilienhaeuser) |
New |
Hourly average pollen concentration (Beech) (ch.meteoschweiz.messwerte-pollen-buche-1h) |
New |
Hourly average pollen concentration (Oak) (ch.meteoschweiz.messwerte-pollen-eiche-1h) |
New |
Hourly average pollen concentration (Alder) (ch.meteoschweiz.messwerte-pollen-erle-1h) |
New |
Hourly average pollen concentration (Ash) (ch.meteoschweiz.messwerte-pollen-esche-1h) |
New |
Hourly average pollen concentration (Grasses) (ch.meteoschweiz.messwerte-pollen-graeser-1h) |
New |
Hourly average pollen concentration (Birche) (ch.meteoschweiz.messwerte-pollen-birke-1h) |
New |
Hourly average pollen concentration (Hazel) (ch.meteoschweiz.messwerte-pollen-hasel-1h) |
Update |
Advice on renewable energy (ch.bfe.erneuerbarheizen) |
Update |
Solarenergie: Eignung Fassaden (ch.bfe.solarenergie-eignung-fassaden) |
Update |
Official street index (ch.swisstopo.amtliches-strassenverzeichnis) |
Update |
Amtliches Gebäudeadressverzeichnis (ch.swisstopo.amtliches-gebaeudeadressverzeichnis) |
Update |
Aerial images privates (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder-dritte-firmen) |
Update |
Accidents involving a bicycle (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_fahrraeder) |
Update |
Accidents with fatalities (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_getoetete) |
Update |
Accidents with personal injury (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_alle) |
Update |
Accidents involving a pedestrian (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_fussgaenger) |
Update |
Accidents involving a motorcycle (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_motorraeder) |
Update |
Accidents per inhabitant (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_pro_einwohner) |
Update |
Accidents per inhabitant - Speeding (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_geschwindigkeit) |
Update |
Accidents per inhabitant - Alcohol (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_alkohol) |
Update |
Accidents in the annual comparison (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_jahresvergleich) |
Release 20210224 - Wednesday, February 24th 2021¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
All services are now freely accessible, no registration required, no referer checks in place. We updated our terms of use:, taking effect on 1.3.2021. We still do recommend that you sign-up for our mailing list / forum to get notified regarding announcements.
Mapbox Vector Tiles services: test phase is over- please update to the production URL schema to GetTile and GetStyle.
Announcement: the layers ch.swisstopo.digitales-hoehenmodell_25.metadata, ch.swisstopo.images-spot-5.metadata, ch.swisstopo.images-swissimage.metadata, ch.swisstopo.luftfahrtkarten-icao.metadata, ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-pk500.metadata, ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-pk1000.metadata, ch.swisstopo.segelflugkarte.metadata, ch.swisstopo.swissalti3d.metadata, ch.swisstopo.swissbuildings3d_1.metadata, ch.swisstopo.swissbuildings3d_2.metadata,,,, and ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d.metadata are obsolete and have been removed from FSDI services on Feb. 24th 2021
Announcement: the layers ch.bafu.grundwasserschutzareale, ch.bafu.grundwasserschutzzonen and ch.bafu.gewaesserschutzbereiche will be completely removed from the FSDI services in March 2021
Announcement: the layers ch.blw.emapis-beizugsgebiet, ch.blw.emapis-bewaesserung, ch.blw.emapis-elektrizitaetsversorgung, ch.blw.emapis-entwaesserung, ch.blw.emapis-hochbau, ch.blw.emapis-milchleitung, ch.blw.emapis-oekologie, ch.blw.emapis-projektschwerpunkt, ch.blw.emapis-seilbahnen, ch.blw.emapis-wasserversorgung, ch.blw.emapis-wegebau and ch.blw.emapis-zusammenfassung will be completely removed from the FSDI services in March 2021
Announcement: the layers ch.bfe.bikesharing, ch.mobility.standorte and ch.bfe.energiestaedte-energieregionen will be completely removed from the FSDI services in May 2021
Announcement: the layer ch.bafu.bundesinventare-flachmoore_regional will be completely removed from the FSDI services in June 2021
Announcement: the layers ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_hochwasser, ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_lawinen, ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_rutschungen, ch.bafu.showme-gemeinden_sturzprozesse, ch.bafu.showme-kantone_hochwasser, ch.bafu.showme-kantone_lawinen, ch.bafu.showme-kantone_rutschungen and ch.bafu.showme-kantone_sturzprozesse will be completely removed from the FSDI services in June 2021
Bug fixes
New |
Tank relocation routes (ch.vbs.panzerverschiebungsrouten) |
New |
Future mean runoff (m³/s) and regime (ch.bafu.mittlere-abfluesse_zukunft) |
Update |
Cleantech projects (ch.bfe.energieforschung) |
Update |
Interregional wildlife corridor (ch.bafu.fauna-wildtierkorridor_national) |
Update |
swissALTI3D Hillshade Monodirectional (ch.swisstopo.swissalti3d-relief-monodirektional) |
Update |
swissALTI3D Hillshade Multidirectional (ch.swisstopo.swissalti3d-relief_multidirektional) |
Update |
Soil bulk density (ch.swisstopo.geologie-gesteinsdichte) |
Update |
Temperature model - data (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geomol-temperaturmodell_eingangsdaten) |
Update |
Temperatures Top Upper Malm (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geomol-temperatur_top_omalm) |
Update |
Temperatures Top OMM (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geomol-temperatur_top_omm) |
Update |
Temperatures Top Muschelkalk (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geomol-temperatur_top_muschelkalk) |
Update |
Temperatures 500 m depth (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geomol-temperaturverteilung_500) |
Update |
Temperatures 1000 m depth (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geomol-temperaturverteilung_1000) |
Update |
Temperatures 1500 m depth (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geomol-temperaturverteilung_1500) |
Update |
Temperatures 2000 m depth (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geomol-temperaturverteilung_2000) |
Update |
Temperatures 3000 m depth (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geomol-temperaturverteilung_3000) |
Update |
Temperatures 4000 m depth - data (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geomol-temperaturverteilung_4000) |
Update |
Elevation 60 °C isotherm (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geomol-isotherme_60) |
Update |
Elevation 100 °C isotherm (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geomol-isotherme_100) |
Update |
Elevation 150 °C isotherm (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geomol-isotherme_150) |
Update |
Ski routes (ch.swisstopo-karto.skitouren) |
Update |
Snowshoe routes (ch.swisstopo-karto.schneeschuhrouten) |
Update |
Designated wildlife areas (bafu.wrz-wildruhezonen_portal) |
Update |
Wildlife reserves (ch.bafu.wrz-jagdbanngebiete_select) |
Update |
Vermessungsstrecken - Querprofilmarke (ch.bafu.wasserbau-querprofilmarken) |
Update |
Protected areas MIL (ch.bafu.schutzgebiete-luftfahrt) |
Update |
Dry grasslands (DGS) (ch.bafu.bundesinventare-trockenwiesen_trockenweiden) |
Update |
Fens (ch.bafu.bundesinventare-flachmoore) |
Update |
Public transport connection quality ARE (ch.are.gueteklassen_oev) |
Update |
Biogeographical regions ARE (ch.bafu.biogeographische_regionen) |
Update |
Anlagen Gütertransport Schiene (ch.bav.anlagen-schienengueterverkehr) |
Update |
Status of Cantonal Geotope Inventories (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotope_kantone_stand) |
Update |
Dry grasslands appendix 2 (ch.bafu.bundesinventare-trockenwiesen_trockenweiden_anhang2) |
Release 20201209 - Wednesday, December 9th 2020¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
Announcement: the swisstopo layer ch.swisstopo.vec200-landcover-wald has been removed from FSDI services as previously announced on July 1st 2020
Announcement: the layers ch.bafu.grundwasserschutzareale, ch.bafu.grundwasserschutzzonen and ch.bafu.gewaesserschutzbereiche will be completely removed from the FSDI services in March 2021
Announcement: the layers ch.blw.emapis-beizugsgebiet, ch.blw.emapis-bewaesserung, ch.blw.emapis-elektrizitaetsversorgung, ch.blw.emapis-entwaesserung, ch.blw.emapis-hochbau, ch.blw.emapis-milchleitung, ch.blw.emapis-oekologie, ch.blw.emapis-projektschwerpunkt, ch.blw.emapis-seilbahnen, ch.blw.emapis-wasserversorgung, ch.blw.emapis-wegebau and ch.blw.emapis-zusammenfassung will be completely removed from the FSDI services in March 2021
Bug fixes
New |
PCP Inventory 2021 (ch.babs.kulturgueter-anhoerung) |
New |
Basemap light hillshade (ch.swisstopo.leichte-basiskarte_reliefschattierung) |
New |
Production regions NFI (ch.bafu.landesforstinventar-produktionsregionen) |
New |
Economic regions NFI (ch.bafu.landesforstinventar-wirtscahftsregionen) |
New |
Protection forest regions NFI (ch.bafu.landesforstinventar-schutzwaldregionen) |
New |
Soil bulk density (ch.swisstopo.geologie-gesteinsdichte) |
New |
Status of Cantonal Geotope Inventories (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotope_kantone_stand) |
New |
Glacier Extent (ch.swisstopo.geologie-gletscherausdehnung) |
New |
Glacier Thickness (ch.swisstopo.geologie-gletschermaechtigkeit) |
Update |
Low distortion area (ch.swisstopo-vd.spannungsarme-gebiete) |
Update |
Housing Inventory (ch.are.wohnungsinventar-zweitwohnungsanteil) |
Update |
Winter national map LK10, LK25, LK50, LK100 (ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe-winter) |
Update |
Division snowshoe/ski tour maps 50 Paper (ch.swisstopo.skitourenkarte-50.metadata) |
Update |
Ski routes (ch.swisstopo-karto.skitouren) |
Update |
Snowshoe routes (ch.swisstopo-karto.schneeschuhrouten) |
Update |
Designated wildlife areas (ch.bafu.wrz-wildruhezonen_portal) |
Update |
Wildlife reserves (ch.bafu.wrz-jagdbanngebiete_select) |
Update |
Snowshoe trekking (ch.swisstopo.schneeschuhwandern) |
Update |
Minergie (ch.bfe.minergiegebaeude) |
Update |
Geological Atlas GA25 (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas) |
Update |
Deep geothermal projects (ch.swisstopo.geologie-tiefengeothermie_projekte) |
Update |
Public transport stops (ch.bav.haltestellen-oev) |
Update |
Seismic subsoil classes (ch.bafu.gefahren-baugrundklassen) |
Update |
Spectral micro-zoning (ch.bafu.gefahren-spektral) |
Update |
Seismic zones SIA 261 (ch.bafu.gefahren-gefaehrdungszonen) |
Update |
GeoCover - Vector Datasets (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover) |
Update |
Division GeoCover (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover.metadata) |
Release 20201028 - Wednesday, October 28th 2020¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
Due to maintenance work, the layer ch.swisstopo.geologie-tiefengeothermie-projekte will be temporarily unavailable in CHSDI until the release of December 9th 2020. In the meantime, the layer is still accessible for download.
- Announcement:
- The BFS layer ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register (Register of Buildings and Dwellings) will extend its data model on all FSDI services (map, api3 and download on by this release according to (model description available in German only).
now productive data model:
Bug fixes
New |
Division swissSURFACE3D Raster (ch.swisstopo.swisssurface3d-raster.metadata) |
New |
swissSURFACE3D Hillshade Monodirectional (ch.swisstopo.swisssurface3d-reliefschattierung_monodirektional) |
New |
swissSURFACE3D Hillshade Multidirectional (ch.swisstopo.swisssurface3d-reliefschattierung-multidirektional) |
New |
Seilbahnen mit Bundeskonzession (ch.bav.seilbahnen-bundeskonzession) |
New |
Climate normals sunshine duration 1961-1990 (ch.meteoschweiz.klimanormwerte-sonnenscheindauer_1961_1990) |
New |
Climate normals sunshine duration 1981-2010 (ch.meteoschweiz.klimanormwerte-sonnenscheindauer_aktuelle_periode) |
New |
Climate normals temperature 1961-1990 (ch.meteoschweiz.klimanormwerte-temperatur_1961_1990) |
New |
Climate normals temperature 1981-2010 (ch.meteoschweiz.klimanormwerte-temperatur_aktuelle_periode) |
New |
Climate normals precipitation 1961-1990 (ch.meteoschweiz.klimanormwerte-niederschlag_1961_1990) |
New |
Climate normals precipitation 1981-2010 (ch.meteoschweiz.klimanormwerte-niederschlag_aktuelle_periode) |
Update |
Aerodromes + Heliports (ch.bazl.flugplaetze-heliports) |
Update |
Arsenals (ch.vbs.retablierungsstellen) |
Update |
Konsultationsbereiche Rohrleitungen (ch.bfe.rohrleitungen-konsultationsbereiche) |
Update |
Biogas plants (ch.bfe.biogasanlagen) |
Update |
Map of forest damage – projectile (ch.vbs.waldschadenkarte) |
Update |
Municipal boundaries (ch.swisstopo.swissboundaries3d-gemeinde-flaeche.fill) |
Update |
Noise exp. 1st night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_erste-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lmax (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter-maximalpegel) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lr (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter) |
Update |
Noise exp. light / large airecrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_klein-grossflugzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. ligt aircrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_kleinluftfahrzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. last night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_letzte-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. milit. aerodr. (tot.) (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_militaer-gesamt) |
Update |
Noise exp. 2nd night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_zweite-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Protected Areas VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-adminboundaries-protectedarea) |
Update |
Building generalized VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-building) |
Update |
Hydrology VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-hydrography) |
Update |
Land cover VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-landcover) |
Update |
Forested areas (ch.swisstopo.vec200-landcover-wald) |
Update |
Single objects VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-miscellaneous) |
Update |
Elevations VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-miscellaneous-geodpoint) |
Update |
Names VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-names-namedlocation) |
Update |
Public transportation VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-transportation-oeffentliche-verkehr) |
Update |
Road system VECTOR200 (ch.swisstopo.vec200-transportation-strassennetz) |
Update |
Federal filling stations BEBECO (ch.vbs.bundestankstellen-bebeco) |
Update |
Division national map 25 Paper (ch.swisstopo.landeskarte25_papier.metadata) |
Update |
Division national map 50 Paper (ch.swisstopo.landeskarte50_papier.metadata) |
Update |
Division national map 100 Paper (ch.swisstopo.landeskarte100_papier.metadata) |
Update |
Division hiking map 50 Paper (ch.swisstopo.wanderkarte50_papier.metadata) |
Update |
Geological Atlas GA25 (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas) |
Update |
Reserved zones aiports (ch.bazl.projektierungszonen-flughafenanlagen) |
Update |
3D Objects from TLM (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d.3d) |
Update |
Register of Buildings and Dwellings (ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register) |
Release 20200916 - Wednesday, September 16th 2020¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
Added oereb layer ch.vbs.kataster-belasteter-standorte-militaer.oereb
- Announcement:
The swisstopo layer ch.swisstopo.vec200-landcover-wald will be completely removed from the FSDI services in december 2020.
- The model change of the BFS layer ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register (Register of Buildings and Dwellings) has been postponed to the FSDI release of October 28th 2020. For Identify users the data structure will change as given in the following example, which can actively be tested:
previous, now productive data model:
new data model:
Bug fixes
New |
112 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-112_zentral) |
New |
117 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-117_zentral) |
New |
118 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-118_zentral) |
New |
143 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-143_zentral) |
New |
144 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-144_zentral) |
New |
147 Alarm centers (ch.bakom.notruf-147_zentral) |
New |
TBE: Side of tick bite reported (ch.bag.zecken-fsme-faelle) |
New |
Documentation of landscape change (ch.bfs.landschaftswandel) |
New |
Fleischwaren (GGA) (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-fleisch) |
New |
Käse (GUB) (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-kaese) |
New |
Konditoreiwaren (GGA) (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-konditoreiwaren) |
New |
Pflanziche Produkte (GUB) (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-pflanzen) |
New |
Spirituosen (GUB) (ch.blw.ursprungsbezeichnungen-spirituosen) |
New |
swissALTI3D Hillshade Monodirectional (ch.swisstopo.swissalti3d-relief-monodirektional) |
New |
Rock laboratories (ch.swisstopo.geologie-felslabore) |
New |
Belastete Standorte Militär (ch.vbs.kataster-belasteter-standorte-militaer) |
New |
Railway noise protection walls (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_laermschutzwaende) |
Update |
Public transport stops (ch.bav.haltestellen-oev) |
Update |
SIL consultation (ch.bazl.sachplan-infrastruktur-luftfahrt_anhorung) |
Update |
SP Aviation infrastructure (ch.bazl.sachplan-infrastruktur-luftfahrt_kraft) |
Update |
Waste incineration plants (ch.bfe.kehrichtverbrennungsanlagen) |
Update |
Solar energy: suitability of roofs (ch.bfe.solarenergie-eignung-daecher) |
Update |
SPM consultation (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_anhoerung) |
Update |
SP Military (ch.vbs.sachplan-infrastruktur-militaer_kraft) |
Update |
SWISSIMAGE Journey thru time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product) |
Update |
Tiling SWISSIMAGE Journey thru time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product.metadata) |
Update |
Register of Buildings and Dwellings (ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register) |
Update |
Noise exp. 1st night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_erste-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lmax (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter-maximalpegel) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lr (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter) |
Update |
Noise exp. light / large airecrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_klein-grossflugzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. ligt aircrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_kleinluftfahrzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. last night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_letzte-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. milit. aerodr. (tot.) (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_militaer-gesamt) |
Update |
Noise exp. 2nd night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_zweite-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Wind: federal government interests (ch.are.windenergie-bundesinteressen) |
Update |
Division hiking map 50 Paper (ch.swisstopo.wanderkarte50_papier.metadata) |
Update |
SIS starting point (ch.bav.sachplan-infrastruktur-schiene_ausgangslage) |
Update |
SIS consultation (ch.bav.sachplan-infrastruktur-schiene_anhorung) |
Update |
Treasurehunt (ch.swisstopo.treasurehunt) |
Update |
Bike sharing and bike hire (ch.bfe.bikesharing) |
Update |
Hydropower statistics (ch.bfe.statistik-wasserkraftanlagen) |
Update |
Dam (ch.bfe.stauanlagen-bundesaufsicht) |
Release 20200701 - Wednesday, July 1st 2020¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcement:
The BFS layer ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register (Register of Buildings and Dwellings) will extend its data model on all FSDI services (map, api3 and download on by the release of September 16th 2020 according to (model description available in German only).
The swisstopo layer ch.swisstopo.vec200-landcover-wald will be completely removed from the FSDI services in december 2020.
Bug fixes
New |
Rainfall erosivity Apr. (ch.bafu.niederschlagserosivitaet-apr) |
New |
Rainfall erosivity Mai. (ch.bafu.niederschlagserosivitaet-mai) |
New |
Rainfall erosivity Jun. (ch.bafu.niederschlagserosivitaet-jun) |
New |
Rainfall erosivity Jul. (ch.bafu.niederschlagserosivitaet-jul) |
New |
Rainfall erosivity Aug. (ch.bafu.niederschlagserosivitaet-aug) |
New |
Rainfall erosivity Sep. (ch.bafu.niederschlagserosivitaet-sep) |
New |
Rainfall erosivity Oct. (ch.bafu.niederschlagserosivitaet-okt) |
New |
Rainfall erosivity Nov. (ch.bafu.niederschlagserosivitaet-nov) |
New |
Rainfall erosivity Dec. (ch.bafu.niederschlagserosivitaet-dez) |
New |
Forest swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wald) |
Update |
Aerial Images swisstopo color (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_farbe) |
Update |
Aerial Images swisstopo b / w (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_schwarzweiss) |
Update |
Aerial Images swisstopo infrared (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder_infrarot) |
Update |
Aerial images privates (ch.swisstopo.lubis-luftbilder-dritte-firmen) |
Update |
Geological Atlas GA25 (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas) |
Update |
Division geological atlas 25 Raster (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas.metadata) |
Update |
Alps with guard dogs (ch.bafu.alpenweiden_herdenschutzhunde) |
Update |
Basiskarte GIN (ch.bafu.gefahren-basiskarte) |
Update |
Emergency calls by comune (ch.bakom.notruf) |
Update |
112 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_festnetz) |
Update |
112 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_mobilnetz) |
Update |
112 Satellite network (ch.bakom.notruf-112_satellit) |
Update |
117 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-117_festnetz) |
Update |
117 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-117_mobilnetz) |
Update |
118 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-118_festnetz) |
Update |
118 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-118_mobilnetz) |
Update |
143 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-143_festnetz) |
Update |
143 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-143_mobilnetz) |
Update |
144 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-144_festnetz) |
Update |
144 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-144_mobilnetz) |
Update |
147 Fixed network (ch.bakom.notruf-147_festnetz) |
Update |
147 Mobile network (ch.bakom.notruf-147_mobilnetz) |
Update |
Download ≥ 30 Mbit/s (ch.bakom.downlink30) |
Update |
Download ≥ 3 Mbit/s (ch.bakom.downlink3) |
Update |
Upload ≥ 10 Mbit/s (ch.bakom.uplink10) |
Update |
Forest ecoregions (ch.bafu.wald-standortsregionen) |
Update |
Upload ≥ 100 Mbit/s (ch.bakom.uplink100) |
Update |
Upload ≥ 1000 Mbit/s (ch.bakom.uplink1000) |
Update |
Download ≥ 100 Mbit/s (ch.bakom.downlink100) |
Update |
Optical fibre FTTB/FTTH (ch.bakom.anschlussart-glasfaser) |
Update |
Download ≥ 300 Mbit/s (ch.bakom.downlink300) |
Update |
Download ≥ 10 Mbit/s (ch.bakom.downlink10) |
Update |
Copper wire (ch.bakom.anschlussart-kupferdraht) |
Update |
Download ≥ 500 Mbit/s (ch.bakom.downlink500) |
Update |
Download ≥ 1000 Mbit/s (ch.bakom.downlink1000) |
Update |
Coaxial cable (ch.bakom.anschlussart-koaxialkabel) |
Update |
Areas of silver fir (ch.bafu.wald-tannenareale) |
Update |
Tracer tests (ch.bafu.hydrogeologie-markierversuche) |
Update |
Seismic zones SIA 261 (ch.bafu.gefahren-gefaehrdungszonen) |
Update |
Number of connection providers (ch.bakom.anbieter-eigenes_festnetz) |
Update |
3G - UMTS / HSPA (ch.bakom.mobilnetz-3g) |
Update |
3D geological models (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologische_3dmodelle) |
Update |
Upload ≥ 1 Mbit/s (ch.bakom.uplink1) |
Update |
4G - LTE / LTE-A (ch.bakom.mobilnetz-4g) |
Update |
2G - GSM / EDGE (ch.bakom.mobilnetz-2g) |
Update |
Advice on renewable energy (ch.bfe.erneuerbarheizen) |
Update |
5G - NR (ch.bakom.mobilnetz-5g) |
Update |
3D terrain and corresponding backgroundmaps (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-karte-grau.3d and ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-karte-farbe.3d) |
Update |
Mapping of Floodplains of National Importance (ch.bafu.auen-vegetationskarten) |
Update |
Railway swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-eisenbahnnetz) |
Update |
Geosites (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geosites) |
Update |
Geo-trails (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geowege) |
Release 20200520 - Wednesday, Mai 20th 2020¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcement:
The ARE layer ch.are.agglomerationen_isolierte_staedte (Agglomerations - Definition 2000) will be removed from the BGDI services on 01.07.2020. The layer will be replaced by ch.are.agglomerationsverkehr (on prod starting 20.05.2020).
The swisstopo layer ch.swisstopo-vd.geometa-los will be completely removed from the FSDI services during Q2/2020.
The geology layer ch.swisstopo.geologie-generalkarte-ggk200_papier.metadata will be removed from CHSDI services on May 20th 2020.
Bug fixes
New |
Accessibility by road (ch.are.erreichbarkeit-miv) |
New |
Railway noise, perm. immissions D (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_zulaessige_immissionen_tag) |
New |
Railway noise, perm. immissions N (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_zulaessige_immissionen_nacht) |
New |
GeoEvents on request (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geoevents_anfrage) |
New |
Cities and conurbations BeSA (ch.are.agglomerationsverkehr) |
New |
Geosites (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geosites) |
New |
Accessibility by PT (ch.are.erreichbarkeit-oev) |
New |
Travel time to agglos by road (ch.are.reisezeit-agglomerationen-miv) |
New |
Upcoming GeoEvents (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geoevents_demnaechst) |
New |
Published shooting range bulletins and hazard zones (ch.vbs.schiessanzeigen) |
New |
Travel time to agglos by PT (ch.are.reisezeit-agglomerationen-oev) |
New |
Railway noise, act. immissions N (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_effektive_immissionen_nacht) |
New |
Railway noise, act. immissions D (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_effektive_immissionen_tag) |
New |
Amtliches Gebäudeadressverzeichnis (ch.swisstopo.amtliches-gebaeudeadressverzeichnis) |
Update |
Wind energy plants (ch.bfe.windenergieanlagen) |
Update |
Travel time to centres by PT (ch.are.reisezeit-oev) |
Update |
Travel time to centres by road (ch.are.reisezeit-miv) |
Update |
Cleantech projects (ch.bfe.energieforschung) |
Update |
Hydropower statistics (ch.bfe.statistik-wasserkraftanlagen) |
Update |
Geo-trails (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geowege) |
Update |
Energy-Regions (ch.bfe.energiestaedte-energieregionen) |
Update |
Geographical Names swissNAMES3D (ch.swisstopo.swissnames3d) |
Update |
Mountainbiking in Switzerland (ch.astra.mountainbikeland) |
Update |
Skating in Switzerland (ch.astra.skatingland) |
Update |
Cycling in Switzerland (ch.astra.veloland) |
Update |
Hiking in Switzerland (ch.astra.wanderland) |
Update |
Passenger traffic (public transport) (ch.are.belastung-personenverkehr-bahn) |
Update |
Passenger traffic (ch.are.belastung-personenverkehr-strasse) |
Update |
Railway noise (act.) N emissions (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_tatsaechliche_emissionen_nacht) |
Update |
Railway noise (act.) D emissions (ch.bav.laermbelastung-eisenbahn_tatsaechliche_emissionen_tag) |
Update |
Image strips swisstopo (ch.swisstopo.lubis-bildstreifen) |
Update |
Map swissTLM (color) (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-karte-farbe) |
Update |
Map swissTLM (grey) (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-karte-grau) |
Release 20200318 - Wednesday, March 18th 2020¶
API & applications¶
Bug fixes
- Announcement:
The ARE layer ch.are.agglomerationen_isolierte_staedte (Agglomerations - Definition 2000) will be removed from the BGDI services on 01.07.2020. The layer will be replaced by ch.are.agglomerationsverkehr (on prod starting 20.05.2020).
The swisstopo layer ch.swisstopo-vd.geometa-los will be completely removed from the FSDI services during Q2/2020.
The geology layer ch.swisstopo.geologie-generalkarte-ggk200_papier.metadata will be removed from CHSDI services on May 20th 2020.
Bug fixes
New |
3D geological models (ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologische_3dmodelle) |
New |
Sunshine cumulative daily total (ch.meteoschweiz.messwerte-sonnenscheindauer-kumuliert-10min) |
Update |
2km2 sub catchment areas (ch.bafu.wasser-teileinzugsgebiete_2) |
Update |
40km2 sub catchment areas (ch.bafu.wasser-teileinzugsgebiete_40) |
Update |
Mean runoff (m³/s) and regime (ch.bafu.mittlere-abfluesse) |
Update |
Hydrological gauging stations (ch.bafu.hydrologie-hydromessstationen) |
Update |
Area outlets (ch.bafu.wasser-gebietsauslaesse) |
Update |
Type of flow regime (ch.bafu.wasser-vorfluter) |
Update |
National Map 1:500’000 (ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe-pk500.noscale) |
Update |
Noise exp. 1st night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_erste-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. 2nd night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_zweite-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lmax (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter-maximalpegel) |
Update |
Noise exp. helicopters Lr (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_helikopter) |
Update |
Noise exp. last night hour (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_letzte-nachtstunde) |
Update |
Noise exp. light aircrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_kleinluftfahrzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. light / large aircrafts (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_klein-grossflugzeuge) |
Update |
Noise exp. milit. aerodr. (tot.) (ch.bazl.laermbelastungskataster-zivilflugplaetze_militaer-gesamt) |
Update |
swissBATHY3D Hillshade (ch.swisstopo.swissbathy3d-reliefschattierung) |
Update |
SWISSIMAGE Journey thru time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product) |
Update |
Tiling SWISSIMAGE Journey thru time (ch.swisstopo.swissimage-product.metadata) |
Update |
swissALTI3D Hillshade (ch.swisstopo.swissalti3d-reliefschattierung) |
Update |
Hydrography swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-gewaessernetz) |
Update |
Railway swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-eisenbahnnetz) |
Update |
Cableways swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-uebrigerverkehr) |
Update |
Roads and Tracks swissTLM3D (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-strassen) |
Update |
Hiking trails (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wanderwege) |
Update |
Minergie (ch.bfe.minergiegebaeude) |
Update |
3D Objects from TLM (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d.3d) |
Update |
Hiking trails (ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wanderwege) |
Update |
Accidents involving a bicycle (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_fahrraeder) |
Update |
Accidents with fatalities (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_getoetete) |
Update |
Accidents with personal injury (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_alle) |
Update |
Accidents involving a pedestrian (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_fussgaenger) |
Update |
Accidents per inhabitant (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_pro_einwohner) |
Update |
Accidents involving a motorcycle (ch.astra.unfaelle-personenschaeden_motorraeder) |
Update |
Accidents per inhabitant - Speeding (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_geschwindigkeit) |
Update |
Accidents per inhabitant - Alcohol (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_alkohol) |
Update |
Accidents in the annual comparison (ch.astra.schwerverunfallte-kanton_jahresvergleich) |